Tag: tutorial

  • Revit Families 401 – Data Validation

    As I mentioned in a follow up comment to Revit Families 103 – Formula Basics, Revit still doesn’t allow you to do data validation on values or formulas in families or on table data.

    Still, you can build some functionality into your families to ensure that a value never exceeds a specified range or create warnings for the user of your family.

    Lets start with a simple example.  In the plan view below I am showing a basic table.


    Lets say in this example that we never want the table’s width to be greater than 1/2 the depth.  We have a few choices.

    1. Don’t do anything
    2. Display an error message for the user
    3. Default to another value


  • Revit Families 302 – Naming and Grouping Parameters

    I started a post a couple weeks ago on tips for creating families in Revit but I didn’t get very far.   Our friends over at Inside the Factory are more disciplined bloggers than I and beat me to it. Erik Egbertson put together a great post of Family Editor Tips.  He talks about flexing a family, placing Constraints Consistently, not over constraining, avoiding chaining references, shortcuts to duplicating elements, shortcuts to creating dimensions, labeling shortcuts, and a couple other tips.

    Initial Setup and Naming of Family Parameters

    One thing that Eric didn’t cover in too much depth was naming and grouping of parameters.  I also use Eric’s programming syntax method for naming parameters except I usually capitalize the first letter.  It doesn’t make much difference really, I just like the look of it in my parameter list.  For example, “WindowTrimWidth” instead of “windowTrimWidth”.  Although Revit supports parameter names with spaces, I think having your parameters as one “word” makes writing formulas easier.

    The first thing I do when setting up a new family is place all of my reference planes, dimensions and parameters.  I flex the model with the reference planes and make sure it works.  If it does then I’ll start modeling the geometry.

    When I first add parameters I don’t write out the whole name for parameters that I know will involve some calculations.   Sometimes formulas can become quite complex:

    if(and(LoopOne, LoopTwo), DepthDefault, if(or(LoopOne, LoopTwo),DepthDefault- DepthBikeLoop, Diameter))

    Make one error in typing this out and you have a hard time debugging it.  I start with naming my parameters with shortened names like LO, LT, DD, etc.  This makes the structure easier to see.

    if(and(LO, LT), DD, if(or(LO, LT), DD – DBL, D))

    Once I know everything is working I rename the parameters and they are automatically updated in my formulas.

    Grouping of Family Parameters

    Currently Revit only allows us to categorize parameters in a set list.

    • Analysis Results
    • Analytical Model
    • Constraints
    • Construction
    • Dimensions
    • Electrical
    • Electrical – Lighting
    • Electrical – Loads
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Energy Analysis
    • Fire Protection
    • Graphics
    • Green Building Properties
    • Identiy Data
    • IFC Parameters
    • Layers
    • Materials and Finishes
    • Mechanical
    • Mechanical – Airflow
    • Mechanical – Loads
    • Model Properties
    • Other
    • Phasing
    • Photometrics
    • Plumbing
    • Rebar Set
    • Slab Shape Edit
    • Structural
    • Structural Analysis
    • Text
    • Title Text
    Analysis Results
    Analytical Model
    Electrical – Lighting
    Electrical – Loads
    Electrical Engineering
    Energy Analysis
    Fire Protection
    Green Building Properties
    Identiy Data
    IFC Parameters
    Materials and Finishes
    Mechanical – Airflow
    Mechanical – Loads
    Model Properties
    Rebar Set
    Slab Shape Edit
    Structural Analysis
    Title Text

    I’m glad that Revit doesn’t let us customize this list, it would just complicate things even more.  Eric reminds us to “choose a pertinent parameter group for your parameters,” but what does that mean?  Really, it depends on your office.  I would recommend creating a standard.

    I discourage the use of the “Other” category because it ends up being a trash bin holding everything.  “Dimensions” is obvious, but I only put parameters in this group that are relevant to the user of the family.  I use “Analytical Model” for any behind the scenes calculations or dimensions that the user of the model doesn’t need to bother with; unit conversions, dimension calculations to keep the model from breaking, etc.  I have also seen “Model Properties” used for this.  If I have toggles for the visibility of different components I put those under “Construction“, if I have a toggle for something that is graphical only, like in an annotation family, I put that under “Graphics“.

    Tomorrow we will look at using formulas in families.

  • Revit Tip: Easy Wall Poche

    This is the first of what is hopefully many more Revit Tips to come.  Something that I’ve seen in some projects I’ve worked on lately is using filled regions to poché walls and floors in section views.  DON’T DO THIS! Besides taking a large amount of time to initially create, filled regions are not going to update as you add or remove walls, windows, etc.  So how do you poché your walls?  Easy.

    Default Revit Sections Are Flat!
    Default Revit Sections Are Flat!

    There are two tools that you will use to make this happen, Visibility/Graphic Overrides and the Join Tool.

    I think the reason that you would try to used filled regions to poché walls is because you don’t fully understand how Revit displays objects.  Revit uses a hierarchy of graphic settings to determine what to display.

    On the most general level are the project’s Object Styles.  You reach these by going to Manage -> Settings -> Object Styles.  I could write a number of essays on what you can do here, but right now we will just focus on the Walls category.  The main walls category by default has 3 sub-categories.  For these 4 category/sub-categories you can set the line weights/color/pattern for projection and cut views as well as the default material.  This is where we could bump up the line weight for cut walls to make our elevations read clearer.
