Tag: software

  • 3d PDF’s Are Not Ready for Use with Revit

    AdobeAcrobat9ProExtendedJust a quick note this morning to talk about Revit and creating 3d PDF files.  As we move more and more to creating complete and accurate 3d models we really want an easy way to share these with our clients and consultants.  Consultants are usually technologically savvy enough to open RVT, DWF, or DWG files but what easy solution can we offer our clients?

    Over the last couple days I’ve done some experimentation with creating 3d PDF documents.  Why PDF’s?  The only reason is because everyone is using them and knows what they are.  This is a benefit over the DWF format which requires the download of an additional viewer program.  (Autodesk True View or Design Review)  Being able to have a model embedded in a PDF that a client can open and manipulate is very appealing.  Multiple sheets could be set up with 2d images and 3d “live” models.

    To get started I followed Tim  Huff’s post on “How to get Autodesk Revit models into Acrobat 3D version 8“.  I downloaded a demo version of Adobe Acrobat Pro Extended and gave it a try.  My results were very disappointing.

    Here is why 3d PDF’s are not ready for use with Revit:

    1. Even after following Tim Huff’s directions exactly I could not get the Print Screen key to capture a Revit model.
    2. Importing a DWF into Acrobat worked, however with more complex models (an actual building with linked RVT files and design options) the building was exploded and scattered in 3 dimensions making it unusable.
    3. Importing an IFC file worked, however Revit doesn’t exported linked RVT files in the IFC.  So you are limited once again to very simple models.
    4. Navigation in a 3d PDF is not intuitive.  I was getting frustrated manipulating the model and trying to explain how to navigate to someone not familiar with 3d models would be nearly impossible.
    5. Paying an extra couple hundred dollars per licence for the Extended version of Acrobat is a hard sell when Autodesk offers DWF creation for free.
    6. Probably most importantly, the files size of a 3d PDF was substantially larger than a DWF file.  Depending on the model it was anywhere from 2 to 3 times larger.

    I had high hopes for 3d PDF’s but for now we will be staying with the DWF format.  It’s a little inconvenient to require a client to download another program, but it’s much better than the time and cost required to make larger less functional (or unusable) 3d PDF’s.

  • Emc2 Architects releases Keynote Manager 7.1

    (02/16/12 UPDATE: For aditional tips and tricks on keynotes check out Revit OpEd’s latest post Keynotes – Files, Tags and Legends)

    (04/03/11 UPDATE: Version 10.0 has been released.  For the latest information visit the project homepage at http://keynotemanager.revolutiondesign.biz/)

    Emc2 Architects released Version 7.1 of their Keynote Manager software last Wednesday.  Keynotes in Revit are painful to manage, and the latest version of this Revit companion added automatic text casing and a direct link to the Windows’ Character Map from within the keynote editor dialog, as well as some nice interface modifications.  These minor additions and fixes feel like polish on what is already a powerful tool.

    Steven Faust, AIA, NCARBIn my opinion, this keynote manager, developed by Steven Faust at Emc2 Architects, is how keynoting should have been in Revit from the start.  By making the program “save as you go”, Steve has been able to allow multiple users to work on the same keynote file simultaneously.  Also, features like keyboard shortcuts, spell check, and a built in text search make managing keynotes easier than ever.  This program takes the mystery out of keynotes so that the end user doesn’t need to worry about the syntax of the text file.  The program makes it much easier for project managers, who aren’t familiar with the .txt file syntax, to make corrections to keynotes, and for BIM managers to create keynote templates that are readily available through the interface.

    The one problem the program doesn’t solve is the need to reload the keynote file in the Revit project for the changes to take effect.

    You can download the Keynote Manager from Emc2.  For the latest on the Emc2 Keynote Manager, see this thread on the AUGI forums.

    Screen shot of the main window
    Screen shot of the main window


  • Extreme Artlantis Animation

    Never content until I’ve reached the limits of possibility, I created this rendering as a way of testing more of Artlantis Studio’s capabilities.  This is a simple animation of the SloArch logo but there is a lot going on in 34 seconds.

    The modeling was all done with SketchUp.  As I did with my previous animation each piece was modeled and then converted to an Artlantis Object.  This allows each piece to be animated.

    I tried animation just about everything in this clip.  Besides some very complex paths, objects are rotaing and pausing in their motion.  The clouds, sun paths, and water all all being animated.

    In order to create the wave effect I animated the water material to change wave size over time.  This allowed the movement at the beginning of the sequence.

    There is definetly room for improvment.  Not being able to animate the infinite ground plane was a problem, and the cloud animations are not as smooth as I would like.

    [pro-player type=”f4v”]http://www.sloarch.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/06/09-0601_sm.f4v[/pro-player]

    This animation was reduced for putting on the web, the full resolution animation was rendered with the following parameters:

    • Frame count: 625 frames
    • Resolution: 1920 x 1080
    • Anti-aliasing: Low
    • Radiosity: Low
    • Render Time: 29:36:16

    The background audio created with samples from www.freesound.org.
    Additional software used: Adobe Photoshop and Premiere

  • First Impressions of the Artlantis Revit 2010 Add-In

    First off, if you haven’t downloaded the beta add-in you can do so by going to the Artlantis download page. I had the Revit 2009 add-in installed so I first had to uninstall this add-in. The install process for the 2010 add-in is very simple and just a standard installation. artlantis_install_1 (more…)

  • Artlantis Releases Revit 2010 Plugin

    Great news!  Artlantis anounced this morning the release of a beta export plug-in for Revit 2010 32bit and 64bit versions to Arlantis 2.

    The plugin is available from their download page.

    I will be installing it and giving it a test in the next hour or so.  I’will post more later today.