Category: General

  • 1st Annual sloArch Sketching Competition

    We are now accepting entries for the 1st annual sloArch sketching competition!


    Simply send us your favorite original sketch by November 19th and you could win one of our new architecture T-Shirts!

    The store won’t be opening until next year so you’ll be the first on the block with one of these awesome original designs!

    Official Rules:

    • Entries must be original works and owned by the submitter.
    • Sketches can be of any subject, just keep them family friendly.
    • You may enter as many times as you want but only one prize will be awarded per person.
    • We reserve the right to disqualify any entry for any reason.
    • Images may be used for promotional purposes.
    • There will be a maximum of three winners.
    • Winners will be announced on the December 22nd episode.
    • That’s it, good luck!
  • Materials: Thank You, Wood

    Thank You, Wood from Giant Ant Media on Vimeo.

    Wood is probably one of the most versatile building materials.  We use it in every project: trusses, casework, furniture, plywood, paper, and cardboard.  When is the last time you said thank you to such an amazing, useful, beautiful, and renewable resource?

  • Cal Poly Architecture Faculty Speak Out

    We just found this video that was released in January by the Architecture Department.  It features several Cal Poly Architecture faculty talking about why they love the program.

    The video features commentary from:

    • Prof. Howard Weisenthal
    • Prof. Chandrika Jaggia
    • Prof. Emeritus Allan Cooper
    • Prof. Margot McDonald
    • Prof. Thomas Fowler, IV
    • Prof. Tom di Santo
    • Prof. Sandy Stannard
    • Prof. Barry Williams
  • Diversifying

    Don’t get me wrong, I love theStudio podcast, it’s a blast to do, our guests are awesome, and we need a venue to vent and discuss this amazing profession we are a part of.  The only problem I have with theStudio is that it has taken over!

    It takes a lot of work to produce the show every week and we don’t have much free time left for writing.  Even if the blog remains all podcast all the time for the foreseeable future that’s okay.  In the meantime we have added a couple new features to the site.


    If you haven’t checked out the forums yet we set these up as a place for the Cal Poly Architecture community to talk about the things that matter to them.

    Create an account, as a question or answer one.  We monitor these forums closely and are more than happy to help.

    Wiki beta

    Just launching this week we’ve added a wiki to the site.  Warning, this thing is very beta, it’s got a lot of kinks to work out, but we are so excited about it we decided to launch it anyway.

    The goal for the wiki to to compile all the information known on the Cal Poly Architecture program.  This is a huge goal but we are ready to give it a go.

    It’s Up To You

    As always the success of sloArch depends on the community.  We are looking for contributing authors, guests for the podcast, and more!  If you see something you would like to help with let us know!

  • Watch out for Falling Power Saws has a new look! It’s still a little rough around the edges but we’re working as fast as we can to implement new and exciting features.

    While we finish the details, keep your hard hats on and forgive us for any minor problems.