Category: Chumash Architecture Show 2010

  • C10: Stuart Jackson, Architectural Gastronomy

    Chumash Architecture Show, 2010: Studio Lucas

    “A culinary center in Venice, CA that moves beyond basic needs of food and shelter.  The project enables an expanded, extraordinary experience encompassing the individual, the social, and the temporal.”

  • C10: Sean Graff, A Portal to the City

    Chumash Architecture Show, 2010: Studio Di Santo

    “Twisted tight in layers lie the lines and lulls of feet and wheels, tracks and treads, steel and grass, saw blades and pillow tops, inches from each other’s beds.”

  • C10: Alessandro Ortiz, Experience Art

    Chumash Architecture Show, 2010: Studio Nulman

    “eXPerience.  Intense images, amped by architecture, shove the user into a shocking atmosphere of collision and tension: painting come to life.sion, a painting come to life.”

  • C10: Christopher Wagner, A Delicate Balance

    Chumash Architecture Show, 2010: Studio Jackson

    “Architecture that takes control away from people allows some degree of variability through the unpredictable climactic forces of nature, encouraging co-existence between the built and natural environment.”

  • C10: Fleur Same, Between City Planning & Lifestyle

    Chumash Architecture Show, 2010: Studio Di Santo

    “A narrow link between our lifestyle and the space around us where we develop ourselves, managing our decisions around our lifestyle: how and where we decide to live conditioning our perception of the city and the life inside it.”