Category: sloArch Staff Sample Work

  • Revit Mental Ray Renderings in Design Development

    In the “old” days of architecture, the Architect, a skilled artist in his own right, would sketch a perspective view of a room or the building as a whole early on in design process.  As the concepts and visions evolved these sketches were revised or redrawn numerous times.   This combined with a mountain of floor plans sketched on trace paper allowed the client to have a rough idea of what the building would look like at many points in the design process.

    Fast forward to the computer age and the AutoCad revolution in the 90’s.  During the last decade architects have relied less and less on perspectives and more on the more easily produced plans and elevations.  Renderings were only done once the design was nearing completion because the cost of producing high quality computer graphics was prohibitive to a multitude of revisions.  Our clients, more often than not, were expected to interpret the floor plans, site plans, and elevations.  Often times the draftsmen themselves didn’t fully understand how the building was going to look, let alone how all the pieces worked together in three dimensional space.

    Today we have Revit with the easy to use Mental Ray rendering engine and a 3d model of the building at our fingertips at all points in the design process.  Below are a few shots of a design I’ve been working on.  The project has gone through numerous revisions and it’s relatively easy to create a new rendering after every change, not to mention the almost constant use of the non rendered 3d model.  Since all of the topo and site data are in the Revit model I can place my camera at the exact location where the real world contextual photographs were taken resulting in some fairly accurate results in a short amount of time.  In house, on the fly renderings have once again become a cost effective part of the design work flow!

  • Extreme Artlantis Animation

    Never content until I’ve reached the limits of possibility, I created this rendering as a way of testing more of Artlantis Studio’s capabilities.  This is a simple animation of the SloArch logo but there is a lot going on in 34 seconds.

    The modeling was all done with SketchUp.  As I did with my previous animation each piece was modeled and then converted to an Artlantis Object.  This allows each piece to be animated.

    I tried animation just about everything in this clip.  Besides some very complex paths, objects are rotaing and pausing in their motion.  The clouds, sun paths, and water all all being animated.

    In order to create the wave effect I animated the water material to change wave size over time.  This allowed the movement at the beginning of the sequence.

    There is definetly room for improvment.  Not being able to animate the infinite ground plane was a problem, and the cloud animations are not as smooth as I would like.

    [pro-player type=”f4v”][/pro-player]

    This animation was reduced for putting on the web, the full resolution animation was rendered with the following parameters:

    • Frame count: 625 frames
    • Resolution: 1920 x 1080
    • Anti-aliasing: Low
    • Radiosity: Low
    • Render Time: 29:36:16

    The background audio created with samples from
    Additional software used: Adobe Photoshop and Premiere

  • Using Artlantis to Bring the ReZist-It Panel to Life.

    Here is a short video of my first animation using the Artlantis software package to show how the ReZist-It panel system is assembled.

    The model geometry was created in Google Sketchup and each piece was imported individually and saved as an object.  Each object was then individually placed and animated.

    • Render time: 20:11:29
    • Frame count: 1050
    • Resolution: 640px x 480px.
    • Anti-aliasing: Low
    • Radiosity: low