- No show again this week but we'll be back on Wednesday April 4th #
- Today’s Google doodle pays tribute to Mies van der Rohe, master of modern architecture! http://t.co/LkPiI2R4 http://t.co/a8g9f5dN #
- Sad event shakes Cal Poly, MD staff http://t.co/ph2GK9UK #
Category: Microblog
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-01
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-25
- The tragic death of Cal Poly freshman Osvaldo Ponce over the weekend. We extend our condolences to his friends… http://t.co/exYwpR8j #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-18
- Happy Pi Day! 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709 #
- We are live at http://t.co/baFatWim #
- Live with amateur architeture and podcasting! (Broadcasting live at http://t.co/6UQxcFtR) #
- Interesting facts about Women in Architecture; http://t.co/9qRl97b6 http://t.co/ZRTxTPR5 #
- Way to go CalPoly! Library staircase transformed into live interactive game board http://t.co/FJuTiqA6 http://t.co/mmusxWz0 #
- Episode 94 is in the wild! http://t.co/UDYOazCK http://t.co/eyrQlmT0 #
- Breaking: Student Success Fee is approved and will go into effect Fall 2012 http://t.co/YxpNLyma http://t.co/f1jqugN7 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-04
- CalPoly is getting ready to vote on the Student Success Fee. Here are our thoughts on the topic… plus some… http://t.co/v9xVbzo8 #
- We are recording episode #93 tonight at 7pm PST. Tune in live at http://t.co/baFatWim #
- Have you passed a division of the ARE? Then send us an email so we can send you one of your niffty stickers to… http://t.co/YjkDkoVZ #
- Interesting… http://t.co/LWdrZrOa #
- We had a great show tonight, thanks for all of you who listened live and participated! #
- BREAKING: The Mustang Daily is reporting that Cal Poly students approved the Student Success fee 57 to 43 percent. #
- Mustang Daily reports on the Student Success Fee vote results, it passed 57% to 43% http://t.co/PmMUwunL #CalPoly #
- Students approved the Student Success fee but now it’s up to CSU Chancellor Charles Reed to make the final decision http://t.co/PmMUwunL #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-02-26
- This week we will be recording the show on Saturday. Exact time TBD but we didn't want to go another week… http://t.co/JPYQGUgD #
- First Saturday recording, hey we're dedicated!! #