- Elise Drakes will be the guest co-host on this week's show. We have some really exciting things planned! http://bit.ly/daSuw9 #
- Tune in tonight at 7pm as we record episode 17 of theStudio. http://live.sloarch.org Elise Drakes, Alaina… http://bit.ly/cJkZRO #
- @Auziez That's too bad, and frustrating! I've can't remember the last time I had AutoCad or Revit crash on me, it's been a long time. in reply to Auziez #
Category: Microblog
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-25
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-18
- @Jenn9292 That's one of my favorite books. There are a couple of weird parts, but enjoy the experience! in reply to Jenn9292 #
- Had a great meet up at the Eve Lounge in SF tonight. Had Cal Poly Arch grads from '83 to '08. Thanks to Ryan and Adam for organizing it! #
- Autodesk Revit Architecture 2011 is now available for download from the subscription center, go and get it! All 2.68GB! #
- We will be recording episode 16 with Kyu Kim tonight at 7pm. He will be calling in live from Korea! live.sloarch.org http://bit.ly/cIag9H #
- Want to be a home designer? Check out Autodesk's HomeStyler http://www.homestyler.com/ (Previously Project Natal) #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-11
- We're still looking for a guest for this week's show. (Recording April 7th @ 7pm PST) If you or someone you know… http://bit.ly/bQp9wT #
- Our email is currently down. If you emailed us within the last 14 hours we probably didn't get it. #
- Our email is up and running again. If you tried to contact us within the last 14 hours please resend your email. Thanks! #
- Tougher smoking laws in San Luis Obispo (http://bit.ly/awH0Uc) #
- Recording Episode 015 right NOW!!! http://bit.ly/dlKrXW #
- Another great Episode, this week we chatted with Somer Scott. Check out the show this Friday at http://www.sloArch.com http://bit.ly/aNydNC #
- Anyone going to Design Village next weekend?
- We've added a Calendar! One place to find out all Cal Poly Arch and Alumni events! http://www.sloarch.org/calendar/ #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-04
- Thanks to all of our new fans! You will definetly get a shout out on this weeks show 🙂 http://bit.ly/avxCE8 #
- Just finished working with a graphic designer on some cool new stuff! Should go live on the website later this week. #
- Really excited about the news coming out about Revit 2011. Revit is finally growing up. http://bit.ly/dlDp2x #
- Now recording theStudio with Alexander Tsai, join the conversation at http://live.sloarch.org #
- Cats take over Kennedy Library!! http://bit.ly/cV6bUG #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-28
- We will be recording theStudio #13 with Adam Mayberry tonight at 7pm PST. Listen live and participate at http://live.sloarch.org/ #
- Now recoding theStudio #13 with Tim, Haley, and Adam Mayberry! Tune in live and join the discussion at http://live.sloarch.org #
- San Luis Obispo applies to be Google fiber-optic trial city: http://www.sloarch.org/googfiber #