- Just about to record Episode 22 with Barry Williams! http://live.sloarch.org http://bit.ly/ay8OYh #
- Alright everyone, we recorded an awesome show tonight! It's all about the Cal Poly Chumash Show which opens this… http://bit.ly/alHJNx #
- Just got on campus #
- Chumash show has opened! Come check out all the amazing work!! #
- Tune in this coming week for complete coverage of the Chumash Show, "I'm Outta Here"
Tim, Peter and Haley were… http://bit.ly/aCd6Ux #
Category: Microblog
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-30
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-23
- So who want's to be our guest for this week? http://bit.ly/aa01H7 #
- We are recording theStudio in 10 min. No guest tonight just us talking Architecture. Join the chat and ask us questions!! live.sloarch.org #
- Recording episode #21 tonight! Join the live chat at live.sloarch.org http://bit.ly/9Z3MJQ #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-16
- getting ready to record theStudio episode 20!. http://live.sloarch.org #
- Sorry everyone, technology isn't cooperating, the live broadcast isn't working tonight but the podcast will come out this Friday morning. #
- A bit of technical difficulties mean the show won't be live tonight for you faithful listeners on USTREAM, but tune… http://bit.ly/aCZvV4 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-09
- Just got Revit 2011… I think my excitement might be hazardous to my health #
- We will be recording theStudio #18 tonight with Hazel Cruz and Brent Gibbons! http://live.sloarch.org http://bit.ly/dvBbUr #
- We will be recording theStudio #19 tonight with Hazel Cruz and Brent Gibbons! http://live.sloarch.org http://bit.ly/bCO4Eg #
- We have the entire Freedom by Design board on the show right now at live.sloarch.org! Join the conversation! #
- Eating a pancake and editing episode 19 of theStudio podcast (http://www.facebook.com/sloarch) #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-05-02
- Went to the AIA SF office tonight, had a great mentorship get together and met a lot of unemployed architecture professionals. #
- We are recording theStudio tonight, we are having technical difficulties #
- Alison Morita will be joining us shortly as we record episode #18 live.sloarch.org #
- @manqolover Yes, that was a problem. For next year we all need to help find seasoned architects to mentor in reply to manqolover #