- De Vaul thumbs his nose at building code, ordered to clean out homeless at SLO County ranch http://dlvr.it/2Gz1j via @slonews #
- Link: Early accessibility law were arbitrary at best. http://bit.ly/azhwrm #
- Recording now with Greg Wynn, Cal Poly lecturer, tune in and asj questions at http://live.sloarch.org http://fb.me/AaL4NpnE #
- RT @GeekStats: In 2009, buildings consumed 72% of all electricity in America. In Sweden the figure was 36% (Technology Review, IBM) #
Category: Microblog
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-11
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-07-04
- Tim starts writing the new CSE in a half hour…. the future of Architecture in California is in his hands. We are all doomed. #
- We will be recording tonight, Tim just got back from Sacramento. We have Justin Ribble on tonight, stay tuned! #
- Okay folks, plan is to record in about 15 minutes at 7:45 PST. Tune in to hear about Tim's adventures with the… http://fb.me/vUzD7XDr #
- Take two for recording theStudio tonight! Tune in right now at live.sloarch.org #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-27
- LINK: Cal Poly book showcases SLO’s architectural gems (http://bit.ly/bpQLrv) #
- LINK: National Concrete Canoe Championship Claimed by Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo (http://bit.ly/czmqns) #
- Recording live at 7pm tonight with Ben Ross (live.sloarch.org) http://fb.me/zeIHj7jP #
- Thanks @alpharhochi for following us! We were excited to have Bianca on the show, hopefully we can get more of you on in the future! #
- Had some problems editing the show… lost Tim's track… can Haley carry the entire show by herself? Thanks to uStream for saving the day! #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-13
- Last minute change of plans… Who wants to be our guest for the show tonight??? http://bit.ly/cbilyU #
- We will be recording episode #24 live tonight at 7pm PST with Bianca Pagnucci, class of '06! Tune in at… http://bit.ly/aS9Rl8 #
- @natalieg_ Thanks for the offer Natalie, we are book through June, is there a Wednesday in July that would work for you? in reply to natalieg_ #
- Couch Cushion Architecture; A Critical Analysis http://bit.ly/aU0mNq #
- LINK: Cardboard Fort Architecture: A Critical Analysis 3; http://bit.ly/9nu86L #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-06-06
- Not recording theStudio tonight. Just intro and show close for our live Chumash coverage. Look for it Friday at http://www.sloarch.org/thestudio/ #
- We're working hard to upload all of the Chumash Show content to the website. Check out what we've done so far and… http://bit.ly/9PKjOJ #
- Check out sloarch.org for complete coverage of the 2010 Cal Poly Chumash Architecture Show, "I'm Outta Here!" http://bit.ly/boOGJf #