- What's that? You want more Chumash interviews?! We've got them. Episode 101 is live: http://t.co/iisEPp9w — with… http://t.co/0BvEpQDP #
- I posted 30 photos on Facebook in the album "Chumash Show 2012 (Part 1)" http://t.co/sQ3oFGR6 #
- I posted 13 photos on Facebook in the album "" http://t.co/osCGVlft #
- I posted 33 photos on Facebook in the album "Album Art" http://t.co/IjtMgotN #
Category: Microblog
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-10
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-06-03
- We were hoping to have episode 100 (our Chumash interviews) posted at the regular time tomorrow morning but due… http://t.co/6vHLoubc #
- Episode 100 is finally live! http://t.co/Iy0arIUs with: Barry Williams, Tom di Santo, Matt Heiss, Danielle Lieu,… http://t.co/Cka9FOFy #
- I posted 4 photos on Facebook in the album "Chumash Show 2012" http://t.co/bHXUb88p #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-27
- Here is a follow up on a story we talked about a couple years ago:
http://t.co/nlHHuQEt http://t.co/mxFMGFHp # - Learn more about the new 6 story building changing the skyline of Cal Poly: http://t.co/G5Pb7lpY http://t.co/CyQqCAoN #
- Tim interviewed Haley about her experiences at the AIA National Convention. Listen to it here: http://t.co/Hy1xSuBj http://t.co/JuuVB5ag #
- We will be on campus tomorrow for the 2012 Chumash Show. Stop by between 5 and 7 to say hi! http://t.co/YdFUt2cX http://t.co/Jjagv898 #
- The 2012 5th year architecture class. Congratulations! http://t.co/VeieI126 #
- Here is a follow up on a story we talked about a couple years ago:
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-20
- Getting Ready to record episode 99.3 in about 9 minutes… if all goes well http://t.co/baFatWim #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-05-13
- If you haven't seen this yet the AIAS could use a little help:
The F-Stop coffee maker is broken. We have a… http://t.co/j1ZogHqO #
- San Luis Obispo ranks 9th in the county for Ozone pollution: http://t.co/w0uOb7a6 http://t.co/tSYlJdMf #
- If you haven't seen this yet the AIAS could use a little help: