- via Carly Althoff: "Happy 'national hug a stressed architecture student day' 🙂 yeah, it's real" #
- It's that time of day again when Haley and Tim start to panic because the don't have a guest for the show tonight…. http://fb.me/Gsq1JlJO #
- We have exciting an announcement for the guest of episode 50 next week, the announcement of a holiday competition… http://fb.me/CPPv7D45 #
- Announcing the
► 1st Annual sloArch Sketching Competition ◄
1. Sketch can be of anything you want! A building,… http://fb.me/Ox8fUnZI #
Category: Microblog
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-05
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-28
- Here is some 1st year work from Carly Althoff's studio…. http://fb.me/J3VZ85fp #
- Happy Holidays and Thank You from Cal Poly
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agu2PRkkn_o http://fb.me/Ex9qKjI8 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-21
- Tomorrow the last round of California supplemental architectural oral exams will be held in San Francisco. Good luck to all the candidates! #
- theStudio is looking for an assistant producer to help with scheduling guests and show prep. If you are… http://fb.me/BIpO27kK #
- we are looking for an assistant producer to help with scheduling guests and show prep. If you are interested sent Tim Alatorre a message. #
- We are excited to announce that Chris Allen will be on the show tonight. Tune in live at 7pm PST,… http://fb.me/Fnj5vk9V #
- now recording at live.sloarch.org #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-14
- Via Jeannette Senn: We are so close to winning!!! We need to beat 315 likes by 10am tomorrow morning!! we are… http://fb.me/tXU3hUXO #
- Via Jeannette Senn: We are so close to winning!!! We need to beat 315 likes by 10am today!! we are trying to win a… http://fb.me/N5ixiT0I #
- Anyone want to come on the show this week and hangout? We've been way too busy to book guests so if anyone wants… http://fb.me/yOWCBduZ #
- Getting ready to record theStudio in T-8 minutes (7pm PST). We have a fun show planned. Tune in live at… http://fb.me/LUVW0Rkv #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-11-07
- Interested in coming on the show?? Let us know!!! #
- Now recording theStudio #46 Tune in live and join the conversation at http://live.sloarch.org http://fb.me/FyKrhno8 #