- The ice is the focus of this picture but I can't help but notice the floating building in the background…. http://fb.me/veFZsK0g #
- We're looking for guests interested in coming on our show. Maybe you or someone you know would like to be a guest… http://fb.me/RogJNbhj #
- http://dornob.com/25-year-refab-concrete-factory-converted-to-castle-home/ http://fb.me/UZNTwweE #
- Tonight on Episode 59 of theStudio… BIM is SO last year?! What's next? We discuss. http://live.sloarch.org #
- Just a little something to end your day with. Happy Friday and have a good weekend everyone!… http://fb.me/sFRCM90R #
Category: Microblog
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-13
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-06
- We are having a difficult time finding guests this year. If you are a Cal Poly Alumni, Student or Faculty member… http://fb.me/LUpsEY9X #
- We are getting ready to record theStudio in less than 1 hour at 7pm PST! Tonight we have lots of Cal Poly news,… http://fb.me/RlM9M5up #
- Don't we all hate doing timesheets? Why can't clients just send us money…. http://fb.me/P6sY37L5 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-30
- Via: Nicholas Williams – I love the double height space/full glazing/ block wall/exposed floor joist composition… http://fb.me/tJGgjWWm #
- Via: Nicholas Williams
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1526699047918&set=a.1077370334981.2012198.1247925978 http://fb.me/TlnrBiea # - We are live in 15 minutes with theStudio episode #57 We've got some great topics tonight including $65 million… http://fb.me/BofaiqME #
- ARE Seminar sponsored by Studio2g and the Central Coast AIA
Thursday,… http://fb.me/Qd91C8iz # - For those working to polish up your resume here are some things you might want to consider!… http://fb.me/QhoQQBcm #
- Have a great weekend!
http://www.geekculture.com/joyoftech/joyimages/1496a.gif http://fb.me/Ek15eTQc #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-23
- Getting ready to record Episode 56 of theStudio! live.sloarch.org
…Ready …. Set …. #
- Getting ready to record Episode 56 of theStudio! live.sloarch.org
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-16
- It's that time of the week again. We are getting ready to record episode #55 tonight at 7pm PST. http://live.sloarch.org #