- And you thought you were good at making families: Little Details Count – First Revit 2012 Family http://bit.ly/h59dkq #
- "What is urgently needed now is the very antithesis of utopian purity: masterpieces of imperfection" http://bit.ly/dGVTAM #
- Tonight we will be recording a little early, 6:45 PST with Linsday Masten. Tune in live at live.sloarch.org #
Category: Microblog
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-24
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-17
- Just updated for Revit 2012, by far the most popular post on our website: Revit Families 103 – Formula Basics:… http://fb.me/Z9pSJlhd #
- Getting ready to record episode 68 of theStudio tonight at 7pm PST! live.sloarch.org #
- Due to rampant vandalism on the site over the last several months we have temporarily disabled user account… http://fb.me/OKribM5F #
- Railings are surprisingly simple to make with CNC http://j.mp/e3LBH7. Do you have any railing details you like? Share them with us! #
- Have a wooded lot? Time to build a forest book nook! http://bit.ly/h71W4m #
- New photos from the early days of Taliesin cerca 1912 http://j.mp/gldOnG #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-10
- This Friday (4/8/11 @ 3:00pm) Future Architects of America is touring Studio Design Group…. http://fb.me/KaMTapIH #
- How many of these buildings do you recognize?… http://fb.me/Wmi0egHU #
- Tonight on the show we are excited to have Donna Duerk, author, Emeritus Professor of Architecture, and stand up… http://fb.me/Ziv4uIrl #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-03
- It was just brought to my attention that instead of uploading Episode 65 last week, we re-uploaded episode #1 !… http://fb.me/UvuV8ipd #
- http://www.rhymeswithorange.com/wordpress/strips/Rhymes_with_Orange.20110327_large.gif http://fb.me/thppRFOC #
- Getting ready to record theStudio #66 with Hourig Ayanyan McCray! Tune in at 7pm PST http://live.sloarch.org... http://fb.me/UYkpaqHW #
- Getting ready to record theStudio #66 with Hourig Ayanyan McCray! Tune in at 7pm PST http://live.sloarch.org/ #winning !! #
- A little M.C. Escher humor
http://page2rss.com/page?url=www.collectedcurios.com/sequentialart.php http://fb.me/KfyK0vy0 #
- Anyone who has used the NCARB software knows how true this is
http://architexts.us/2011/04/01/ncarb-software/ http://fb.me/FiJHKqxo #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-27
- This week we will be having a special episode of theStudio. We are finally going to decide which is better……. http://fb.me/Vr1U2wN0 #
- This week we will be having a special episode of theStudio. We are finally going to decide which is better….
►… http://fb.me/N55FRnJL # - Cal Poly vs Berkley …. the ultimate showdown happens tonight in theStudio at 7pm PST. http://live.sloarch.org #
- Broadcasting live at http://live.sloarch.org episode #65 is about to start http://fb.me/U3v9lOE7 #