- Have you ever dreamed of living in a clock? Me too! http://bit.ly/itdomO http://fb.me/zGXpNCo4 #
- More photos from Elise's SOS project.
http://www.sloarch.org/2011/05/the-studio-73-the-art-of-pro-bono/ http://fb.me/PL2gg2eT # - Sorry, no episodes today. We will be releasing another SloArch Special addition next Friday. Have a safe and happy 4th of July weekend! #
Category: Microblog
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-03
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-26
- To hear more about this project listen to theStudio 73, http://bit.ly/iTJIt3 http://fb.me/Y1Rmn52h #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-19
- http://www.core77.com/blog/object_culture/a_definitive_architectural_answer_to_the_problem_of_never_having_enough_s... http://fb.me/JlZjfrvh #
- http://www.sloarch.org/2011/06/the-studio-77-special-supermodel-tom/ http://fb.me/10fB12CcJ #
- I challenge all our friends who work on educational projects to work this into their next playground design:… http://fb.me/10p7YVBaz #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-12
- For all grads heading to grad school this one is for you. Don't worry, we still believe in you. CollegeHumor:… http://fb.me/ZdnKHjz8 #
- http://www.sloarch.org/2011/06/c11-datum-8th-annual-5th-year-show/ http://fb.me/tieYbXbe #
- http://www.sloarch.org/2011/06/c11-class-of-2011-photo-and-show-opening/ http://fb.me/zs28D3n9 #
- http://www.macrumors.com/2011/06/08/steve-jobs-pitches-cupertino-on-new-apple-campus/ http://fb.me/zpfw9OqZ #
- We didn't take that many photos this year. More should be posted by the arch department at some point in the near… http://fb.me/wLe7vgI1 #
- Thanks @carisanakano for the mention! #
- http://www.sloarch.org/2011/06/the-studio-76-special-interview-with-a-legend/ http://fb.me/ZjvyfXpG #
- Congrats to all the graduates! Its been a long road but the journey is just starting. Good luck, we look forward to hearing of your success. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-05
- The Chumash show is going on now through tomorrow. The work this year is amazing, congratulations to all the students and faculty. #
- We aren't recording tonight but there will be a show coming out this Friday from our Chumash Show coverage #
- If you are on campus today, Professor Don Choi is having his ARCH 453: Review from 2-6pm in the Fishbowl Gallery. #
- Everyone loves some good stair spirals: http://abduzeedo.com/amazing-spiral-effect http://fb.me/xZEd4cfw #