Chumash Architecture Show, 2010: Studio Lucas
“A co-housing project that reexamines and decomposes the boundaries between private + public space, focusing mainly on integrating its inhabitants into an interactive community.”
Chumash Architecture Show, 2010: Studio Lucas
“A co-housing project that reexamines and decomposes the boundaries between private + public space, focusing mainly on integrating its inhabitants into an interactive community.”
Chumash Architecture Show, 2010: Studio Di Santo
“Exploring how architecture can facilitate one’s connection to the nexus between the man-made world and the natural environment through heightened phenomenological experiences that are equally restorative, sensual and invigorating.”
Chumash Architecture Show, 2010: Studio Nulman
“How can Architecture create or embrace a spectacle in which the public can interact with and further provide a destination for spectacular events to occur, feeding the seemly endless need for new stimulation which society seems to crave?”
Chumash Architecture Show, 2010: Studio Lucas
“A culinary center in Venice, CA that moves beyond basic needs of food and shelter. The project enables an expanded, extraordinary experience encompassing the individual, the social, and the temporal.”
Chumash Architecture Show, 2010: Studio Di Santo
“Twisted tight in layers lie the lines and lulls of feet and wheels, tracks and treads, steel and grass, saw blades and pillow tops, inches from each other’s beds.”