Author: Tim Alatorre

  • Watch out for Falling Power Saws has a new look! It’s still a little rough around the edges but we’re working as fast as we can to implement new and exciting features.

    While we finish the details, keep your hard hats on and forgive us for any minor problems.

  • The Studio 2: Thank You China

    The Studio 2: Thank You China

    Happy New Year!  This is the first episode for 2010 and we are off to a great start.  Special guest Elise Drakes, B’Arch ’06 Associate AIA, talkes about healthcare Architecture and the ACE Mentor Program.  We discuss the rise of green buildings and the IDP program.

    Be sure to tell your friends about us, join our Facebook Group, leave reviews on iTunes and vote for us on Podcast Alley!


  • We Want You!

    We Want You!

    Okay, I know, the graphic is way overused.  But it’s true, We Want You for sloArch!  As part of our 2010 initiative sloArch is expanding and we want your help.  Yeah, yeah, I know.  You are busy.  But we hope to make this website the portal for all things Architecture and that means you.  You are an Architect after all, or you at least pretend to be one.  So help us and let us help you!  So… what can you do?

    • For starters, subscribe to The Studio! This is our new weekly podcast by, for, about, and featuring CalPoly San Luis Obispo students and alumni!  Yeah, that’s right, we’re talking about you!
    • Contribute to our new forums!  Have a Revit or AutoCad question?  Need help with the IDP?  Not sure what’s the best technique for creating a model that’s sure to get you noticed in studio?  Post a question and we”ll help you find the answer.
    • Write for us!  We are looking for contributing authors.  If you have a report on a show in the Berg gallery, news on a Hearst lecture, a Revit tutorial, or want to promote your latest project, we want to hear from you!  If you are interested please contact us!

    Don’t let Uncle Sam down,
    contribute today and help out the Cal Poly Architecture community!

  • The Studio 1: An Introduction

    The Studio 1: An Introduction

    Merry Christmas!  Our present to you this year is a shiny new podcast dedicated to Cal Poly Architecture students and alumni.

    Tim Alatorre, LEED AP  joins with Haley Gipe, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP to kick off the first episode of what is destined to be the most talked about weekly netcast in building 5.

    In this episode:

    • We introduce ourselves and why we are doing the show.
    • The goal is to talk Architecture with our friends in a more in depth manner than just poking each other on Facebook.
    • Haley discusses how she got involved with the AIA and discusses how she ended up on page 122 of the 2009 December issue of the Architectural Record. She and Tegan Andres are the new face of the AIA!
    • The emerging Architect is looking for ways to stand out and move the profession forward.
    • Technology allows us to connect and gain more experience than prior generations.
    • There are firm leaders that don’t even use computers.
    • Things are advancing at a rapid pace and the emerging professions are going to have to deal with an ever changing profession.
    • We talk about the benefits of technology versus the “old” way of doing things.
    • Cal Poly architecture program ranked third best undergraduate program in the nation by Design Intelligence ( We’re the best in California!
    • We discuss how there isn’t a venue for Cal Poly Architecture alum to connect, and discuss the Connections magazine where we learn that Tim is really bad at pronouncing names.
    • Haley is mentioned in the CalPoly Architecture student news ( for her IDP changes report ( Did she really graduate in 2007?
    • What does Haley do to survive job cuts?
    • Haley talks about starting an IDP program in her firm.
    • School and hospital work has been more stable this year, but it comes down to luck.
    • CalPoly grads will save the economy!
    • Contact us with your stories about the workplace. Why are you still working? Let us know what you think.
    • Exciting mystery guest next week!
  • End and Beginning: Thank You

    With 2009 and this decade at an end I want to say thank you to all my readers, commenters, and supporters.   When I launched this site on May 4th I had no idea of the global audience that I would stumble upon nor the learning experience that writing here would become.

    2010 is going to see some big changes to the site.  Between today and the end of the year this transition will start to take shape.

    Be sure to check back on January 1st to see the beginning of what I hope will be an exciting new chapter in sloArch’s contribution to the Architecture community.  Starting with the new year the site will take on a new role and start to serve a more focused purpose.

    Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and may God bless all our efforts as we work together to make the new decade one that we will be proud of.