- NCARB – IDP 2.0: Last Chance to Submit Hours Before the Rollover! http://t.co/Tci4SLAB #
- Hit "SUBMIT"!!! http://t.co/oa5GBw8d #
- IDP 2.0: Reporting Hours http://t.co/DPo20g3i #
- We will be recording a new episode of theStudio tomorrow night (Thursday). We are almost to 200 fans on… http://t.co/83hDDLaJ #
- Thank you Jennifer Brown for the like!! We appreciate it 🙂 #
- Thank you for 'liking' us Caitlin Doyle!! We like you too 🙂 #
- Wow! Another "like" from Shannon Moore-Weathers! That's awesome!! #
Author: Tim Alatorre
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-08
The Studio 95: Gold Stars
Architecture is a matter of life and death, Tim has a big announcement, and major changes with the IDP program and the end of the CIDP. Plus plans to rename El Corral Bookstore!
Don’t forget to tell your friends about us, join us on Google+ and Facebook, leave a review on iTunes, vote for us on Podcast Alley, and follow us on Twitter!
Check out the show notes for links and more!
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-04-01
- No show again this week but we'll be back on Wednesday April 4th #
- Today’s Google doodle pays tribute to Mies van der Rohe, master of modern architecture! http://t.co/LkPiI2R4 http://t.co/a8g9f5dN #
- Sad event shakes Cal Poly, MD staff http://t.co/ph2GK9UK #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-25
- The tragic death of Cal Poly freshman Osvaldo Ponce over the weekend. We extend our condolences to his friends… http://t.co/exYwpR8j #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-18
- Happy Pi Day! 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709 #
- We are live at http://t.co/baFatWim #
- Live with amateur architeture and podcasting! (Broadcasting live at http://t.co/6UQxcFtR) #
- Interesting facts about Women in Architecture; http://t.co/9qRl97b6 http://t.co/ZRTxTPR5 #
- Way to go CalPoly! Library staircase transformed into live interactive game board http://t.co/FJuTiqA6 http://t.co/mmusxWz0 #
- Episode 94 is in the wild! http://t.co/UDYOazCK http://t.co/eyrQlmT0 #
- Breaking: Student Success Fee is approved and will go into effect Fall 2012 http://t.co/YxpNLyma http://t.co/f1jqugN7 #