- Here is a follow up on a story we talked about a couple years ago:
http://t.co/nlHHuQEt http://t.co/mxFMGFHp # - Learn more about the new 6 story building changing the skyline of Cal Poly: http://t.co/G5Pb7lpY http://t.co/CyQqCAoN #
- Tim interviewed Haley about her experiences at the AIA National Convention. Listen to it here: http://t.co/Hy1xSuBj http://t.co/JuuVB5ag #
- We will be on campus tomorrow for the 2012 Chumash Show. Stop by between 5 and 7 to say hi! http://t.co/YdFUt2cX http://t.co/Jjagv898 #
- The 2012 5th year architecture class. Congratulations! http://t.co/VeieI126 #