- The tragic death of Cal Poly freshman Osvaldo Ponce over the weekend. We extend our condolences to his friends… http://t.co/exYwpR8j #
Month: March 2012
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-25
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-18
- Happy Pi Day! 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709 #
- We are live at http://t.co/baFatWim #
- Live with amateur architeture and podcasting! (Broadcasting live at http://t.co/6UQxcFtR) #
- Interesting facts about Women in Architecture; http://t.co/9qRl97b6 http://t.co/ZRTxTPR5 #
- Way to go CalPoly! Library staircase transformed into live interactive game board http://t.co/FJuTiqA6 http://t.co/mmusxWz0 #
- Episode 94 is in the wild! http://t.co/UDYOazCK http://t.co/eyrQlmT0 #
- Breaking: Student Success Fee is approved and will go into effect Fall 2012 http://t.co/YxpNLyma http://t.co/f1jqugN7 #
The Studio 94: Designer Doghouse
Did you know that Frank Lloyd Wright designed a doghouse? Neither did we! Plus, copper prices are at record levels, the 3rd Year Best of Show winners, and using 3d printers to get jobs.
Don’t forget to tell your friends about us, join us on Google+ and Facebook, leave a review on iTunes, vote for us on Podcast Alley, and follow us on Twitter!
Check out the show notes for links and more!
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2012-03-04
- CalPoly is getting ready to vote on the Student Success Fee. Here are our thoughts on the topic… plus some… http://t.co/v9xVbzo8 #
- We are recording episode #93 tonight at 7pm PST. Tune in live at http://t.co/baFatWim #
- Have you passed a division of the ARE? Then send us an email so we can send you one of your niffty stickers to… http://t.co/YjkDkoVZ #
- Interesting… http://t.co/LWdrZrOa #
- We had a great show tonight, thanks for all of you who listened live and participated! #
- BREAKING: The Mustang Daily is reporting that Cal Poly students approved the Student Success fee 57 to 43 percent. #
- Mustang Daily reports on the Student Success Fee vote results, it passed 57% to 43% http://t.co/PmMUwunL #CalPoly #
- Students approved the Student Success fee but now it’s up to CSU Chancellor Charles Reed to make the final decision http://t.co/PmMUwunL #
The Studio 93: Leap Day
This is a passionate show where we talk about some of our favorite topics: IDP, Pritzker Prize, Maya Lin and unlicensed “architects”.
Don’t forget to tell your friends about us, join us on Google+ and Facebook, leave a review on iTunes, vote for us on Podcast Alley, and follow us on Twitter!
Check out the show notes for links and more!