- http://architexts.us/2011/07/18/harry-potter/
I saw the movie over the weekend, it was great! -Tim http://fb.me/10Ok1T4t6 #
- What do you think? Catchy headline but it is just sensationalism? http://nyr.kr/pGG9My http://fb.me/16XtAn0D9 #
- Architecture is 50% structure 50% photography. Here are some great pics http://bit.ly/oEFVDK and our chat with… http://fb.me/WMIkB5Gq #
- In order to keep up with everyone's addiction, here is a beach house in Peru to drool over, http://bit.ly/mZi2JX…. http://fb.me/zAozGF1m #
- We've been using more of these simple techniques in our office. Result: Impressed clients for Minimal cost…. http://fb.me/TbyYchwK #