Flying houses, glass walls, and transparent concrete, oh my! The end of the Cal Poly academic quarter is fast approaching and there is a lot going on this week.
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Show Notes
Site News
- New Facebook Fans
- Tim Bullock
- Satnam Singh
- Meghdad Attarzadeh
Cal Poly News
- Nicholas Williams
- New FaceBook page: Slab on Grade
- A place for architects, builders, developers, and engineers to discuss what is going on in the building industry today.
- Fresno Cal Poly Chapter event this Thursday
- Studio reviews on going this week
- “Best of Show” – 5th annual
- Friday, March 11th, 2011, 8:30am – 6:00pm, Berg Gallery
- Guest jurors
- Adriana Cuellar – Cal Poly alumna
- Karen Lohrmann – University of Innsbruck, Austria?
- Marcel Sanchez – Woodbury?
- Enrico Como – Enrico Como associates?
- Pecha Kucha Night SLO Vol. 14
- Friday, March 11 · 7:00pm – 10:00pm
- Steynberg Gallery, 1531 Monterey Street
COOOOL MOW (material of the week)
- Luccon translucent concrete: an innovative construction material
- LUCCON Light concrete is a combination of modern concrete and embedded fiber optic cables. Fiber upon fiber light is projected through the construction element.
General News
- Up-Inspired Floating House
- Passivehaus to our Haus?
- “They brought together a variety of professionals and their case studies, working on opposite ends of the spectrum— houses for the wealthy ‘spare no expense group’ and those working with Habitat for Humanity, ‘let’s figure out how to do this for everyone group’. Somewhere in the middle we will meet.”
- “I’d like to see Passivhaus become more open source with free ware, free online training you can take via YouTube or other social networking sources. Rather than make it a profit and knowledge center for the few, what if it was freely shared and could really impact many? Give away Passivhaus to widely disseminate its great system for the greater good.”
- Construction of San Francisco’s Transbay Transit Center To Begin This Spring
- WebCor is the contractor and they are doing cutting edge BIM costing and scheduling analysis
- Carnegie Hall Debuts Detailed Renovation Plans
- A Richard Neutra Tribute
- Just 10 slides, but they have a nice write-up with a lot of information
- Bernard Cywinski dies
- Philadelphia-based architect Bernard Cywinski, principal in Bohlin Cywynski Jackson, died Wednesday at 70. Newspaper architecture critic Inga Saffron reports that Cywinski partnered with AIA Gold Medal winner Peter Bohlin in 1979 to create a firm that won the AIA Firm Award in 1994
- Ever heard of Guastavino?
- Rafael Guastavino’s elegant tile-arched structures are memorable, but the architect and engineer behind them has remained unknown. Sam Allis reports that MIT associate professor of civil and environmental engineering and architecture John Ochsendorf is trying to change that—with his new book, Guastavino Vaulting: The Art of Structural Tile …
- USGBC Announces New Board of Directors
- Architect in RMJM’s Princeton Office Lashes Out at Firm Leaders
- Leaked resignation e-mail accuses CEO Peter Morrison, others of lack of payment