The Studio 62: Kids Don’t Try This at Home

Jason A Silva, AIA, LEEP AP, class of ’96 or ’97, Partner and Design Principal at Dreyfuss & Blackford, AIA California Council, Young Architects Forum Regional Liaison for Northern California.  Need we say more?

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Show Notes

Site News

  • New Facebook Fans
    • Patty Latimer Smith
    • Taylor Boyle
    • Martín Renom
  • Did you pass an ARE?  Let us know!
    • Stickers are on their way
  • Update on FAA sketch day in SLO


Cal Poly News

  • Hearst Lecture this Friday:
    • Laurie Johnson: Laurie Johnson Consulting

    • Friday, March 4th, 2011 at 4:00pm

    • Business Rotunda (03-213)

    • For additional information, visit Laurie Johson Consulting’s web site.
  • AIAS fundraiser was today, but we can still give them a shout out…
  • The fifth iteration of the third year “Best of Show” will take place on
    • Friday, March 11th, 2011, between 8:30am – 6:00pm in the Berg Gallery.
    • Invited guest jurors for this event will include Adriana Cuellar, Karen Lohrmann, Marcel Sanchez, and Enrico Como.

COOOOL MOW (material of the week)

General News

Rapid Fire Questions:

  • Cal Poly or Berkeley?  Poly
  • Autocad or Revit?  Revit
  • Parallel bar or T-Square?  Parallel
  • Facebook or LinkedIn?  LinkedIn
  • Arch Record, Arch Digest, or Architect?  Architect
  • Drafting dots or tape?  Drafting dots
  • Yellow trace or white? white
  • Ad Markers or Prisma? Ad (The old smelly ones)
  • Pen or Pencil?  both
  • Mac or PC?  PC
  • What’s the Meaning of Life?  42



  • Tim is excited that Jason is a Revit guy!
    • embraced it early on, most recently he’s done entire projects in the program
    • it’s a powerful tool that you can really leverage
  • UC Davis Medical Center Parking Garage
  • Why did you want to be an architect?
    • started at a young age, always knew he wanted to be an architect
    • he grew up with parents that rehab-ed and remodeled constantly
    • got into design and construction in High School, building decks for family and friends and things grew from there
    • architecture was the way to go
  • Why did you attend Cal Poly?
    • he applied to Berkeley and Cal Poly, got into both but decided on Poly
    • Poly was a place he felt more at home for pushing boundaries and experimenting with design
  • What are your most memorable experiences from your time in San Luis Obispo?
  • What did you do following graduation?
    • moved to San Francisco, worked in 6 different offices in about 4 years, to get lots of experience, mainly small firms, lots of moving around during that time where there were lots of jobs after the lull
    • did lots of ADA upgrade work, auto dealerships, some residential planning, commercial, some institutional, office work
  • What was the path that led you to being a partner with Dreyfuss & Blackford?
    • he’s been there for 10 years
    • the firm has been good about moving and changing with the times
    • it was about fitting into the leadership of the office
  • Can you talk a bit about your path to becoming licensed?
    • was licensed in 2002
    • getting them done so he could be called an architect, some healthy competition with other peers to make it through the exams
  • Tell us a bit about your position for AIA California Council
    • Young Architects Forum Regional Liasion for Northern California as well as to AIA National
      • young architects are those licensed for 10 years and under
      • this is a bit of an under-represented group of the profession
      • there are 18 regions across the nation, California was split in half due to the large number of members
      • reaching out to young architects throughout the state, understanding their needs and interests, bringing that to AIA National for representation as well
  • How can younger professionals better contribute to the success of an architecture firm?
    • realize there is a business side of the office, IDP is a great way to open the door to get involved and understand some of the business aspects of the firm
  • How can those of us entering the profession better prepare ourselves for the day to day of working in an architecture firm?
    • Ask to go to lunch with leadership, ask questions
    • ask questions in general, show an interest in regularly learning about the practice
  • What are you plans for the future?
    • total world domination!
    • reaching out to other professionals and specialists to build round table discussions and events
    • anything to make the future better in the long term
  • What advice would you give to current Cal Poly Architecture students?
    • find things that you love and mix them into the architecture that you do