The Studio 60: Balloons and Tinkers

Cooool MOW makes a debut on the show this week.  We discuss flash mobs, Italy, falling ceilings, and more.  The show this week may be a little shorter but we’ve packed in lots of architecture goodness for your listening pleasure!

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Show Notes

Site News

Cal Poly News

  • Professor Monica Rossi to join the Architecture Department
    • Prof. Monica Rossi will be joining the Architecture Department for the Spring 2011 quarter. Monica currently teaches at the Eduoardo Vittoria School of Architecture and Design, University of Camerino, Ascoli Piceno, Italy, and will be assisting the Department in the second year design sequence, ARCH 253.
  • Flash Mob @ Farmers Market in SLO

Discussion Point – from Nick Williams

  • to architects/builders/designers…your opinion on this one: why do arch/design competitions expect you to pay a hefty registration fee to submit a proposal?? they want us to 1) take a substantial amount of unpaid time to conceptually design a project to have a chance of winning the comp & 2) want us to pay a fee to do so? so they want our IDEAS and they want US to pay THEM?? dont make no cents…

COOOOL MOW (material of the week)

  • Pneumocell
  • neumocell is an assembly kit of inflatable building elements inspired by biological cell structures. The pieces can be connected, by nylon zippers, in myriad configurations to create a full self-supporting structure. Each cell is made out of flame-retardant thermoplastic polyurethane foil. Cells are airtight, protect against solar radiation, and do not require constant inflation.
  • This reminds me of Bucky’s geo. dome
  • Worlds worst website!

General News