The Studio 52: Lots of Parades

Nicholas B. Leone, Assoc. AIA, LEED AP, B’Arch ’08, enlightens us on a different way to use our architecture background.  We announce the winners of the competition and Haley insists that size matters!
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Show Notes

Site News

  • New Facebook Fans!
    • Samantha De Leuw
  • Assistant Producer
    • We’re still looking!
  • Sketching competition winners:
    • No one entered so….
  • Randomly chosen Facebook fan winners:
    • 1:  Hourig Ayanyan McCray
    • 2:  Lindsey Engels

Cal Poly News

General News

  • Green codes are coming: What will happen to U.S. Green Building Council??
    • If you talk to USGBC, their plan is the continue to push the envelope, to accept the new floor established by the new green codes, and to ramp up their standards and requirements to increasing levels of sustainability. It will be very interesting indeed to see if USGBC can do this and still maintain its current business model based on numerous accredited professionals, member organizations, applications for certifications, general market penetration and resulting fees and cash flow.
  • Size matters
    • Beyond Buildings blogger Aaron Betsky reports that today’s architecture—while generally of a higher quality than when he was a young architect graduate in the 1980s—still leaves something to be desired. “What is lacking, more often than not, is a sense that the resulting building reaches beyond correctness, beyond just being there, and beyond fulfilling its problem statement,” Betsky writes. “We need a few more buildings like the ones Gehry still designs, or Steven Holl, or a younger architect like Brad Cloepfil.”
  • November Architecture Billings Index
    • AIA chief economist Kermit Baker reports that November’s Architecture Billing Index moved back into positive territory after a slip in October. A three-point gain puts the index at 52.0—only the second monthly increase in billings since early 2008. “With ABI scores above the 50 level in two of the past three months, the prospects of a sustainable recovery in design activity are enhanced,” Baker writes. But pessimism persists among professionals, with one-third of firms expecting revenue to fall in the new year and half of these firms expecting more than a 10 percent decline

Rapid Fire Questions:

  • Cal Poly or Berkeley?  Cal Poly
  • Autocad or Revit?  Revit
  • Parallel bar or T-Square?  T-square
  • Facebook or LinkedIn?  Facebook
  • Arch Record, Arch Digest, or Architect?  Architect
  • Drafting dots or tape?  Dots
  • Yellow trace or white? White
  • Ad Markers or Prisma? Ad Markers
  • Pen or Pencil?  Pen
  • Mac or PC?  PC
  • What’s the Meaning of Life?  Drafting

SCORE:  10,205.5


  • What’s he been up to since graduating
    • Graduated in 2008, stuck around an extra year for a CM and real estate minors.
    • Returned to San Francisco and has worked on the same firm ever since
    • Marx Okubo –
  • He works in due diligence architecture
    • Seismic analysis
    • Assessment for owners
    • Create documents and oversees repairs
    • He’s worked more on the construction and project management side
    • He’s done very little design though, but that’s common
  • Working towards licensure?
    • Taken 4 AREs, passed 3!!!
    • Just submitted second IDP experience report!!
  • Why architecture
    • The typical love for Lego’s, designing
    • Realized that Cal Poly had a great program and went to Cuesta and transferred in as a second year
  • What was rewarding about Cal Poly
    • Senior year thesis was a great way to stay interested in the project and professor for a longer period of time
  • What advice would you give to students currently crafting their senior thesis project?
    • Come up with lots of ideas, bounce them off your professor
    • Try to be done three weeks early from your final due date, you’ll use up the time!!
  • Goals
    • Get licensed in 2011
    • Looking into grad school