Wind power is disturbing the peace but there may be hope for White House solar power, Uncle Frank’s masterpiece is desecrated, buildings remain empty, and Autodesk is getting way to friendly with Apple.
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Show Notes
Site News
- Andy Houghtelin
- Ashten Chatham
- Derek A. McFarland
- جلال احمدى (Jalal Ahmadi)
Cal Poly News
- Vellum Competition 7, Oct. 28-30th
- Vellum Competition Jury
- TimKobe (8inc)
- Mark Horton (MHA)
- TJ Esser (Studio 2G)
- Colin Sprnkle (Vulpine Design Works)
- Vellum Competition Sponsorship
- Platinum Level: $350
- Gold Level: $250
- Silver Level: $150
- Recession Level: at the donor’s level of comfort
- Visual Acoustics: Film about Julius Shulman
- CAED Berg Gallery on Friday, October 8th, 2010 at 6:00pm
- CAED Berg Gallery 10/9/10 at 6PM
General News
- For Those Near, the Miserable Hum of Clean Energy
- Shout out to Teagan for our mutual love for wind farms
- First Green Lights For Large-Scale Solar on U.S. Land
- These two California-based projects are the first utility-scale solar installations on federal lands to get the go-ahead from the Bureau of Land Management.
- White House to install rooftop solar panels
- this is the third try at solar power for the executive mansion. President Jimmy Carter installed panels in 1979 that were removed by President Ronald Reagan in 1986. President George W. Bush deployed three solar systems on the White House grounds in 2003
- ‘Priceless’ bronze letters pried off Unity Temple
- bronze letters reading “For the worship of God and the service of man” met guests at both entrance
- Sleeping Giants: 12 Sky-High Abandoned Buildings
- These 12 abandonments are among the tallest in the world and many bear historical significance for their respective cities, from San Francisco to Rio de Janeiro. Some are incomplete, others are in bankruptcy-induced limbo and a lucky few will soon get a new lease on life, but all of these dormant developments currently stand silent, empty and dripping with decay.
- Developer still lack tenants as it build region’s tallest building
- no tenants signed for the 580,000-square-foot building planned to begin erecting Oct. 14th
- Park51 Mosque: Ground Zero for a New Architecture?
- Contraversey aside, will it be a good building?
- Is Northwestern trying to make Prentice Hospital disappear even before they try to destroy it?
- He’s not allowed to take a picture of the building?
- Another honor for Daley, this one from the Urban Land Institute
- AutoCAD WS is now in the App Store for iPad and iPhone