Carly Althoff, incoming Cal Poly Architecture freshman (B’Arch ’15), brings some energy to the show. She shares with us why she chose architecture and Cal Poly. 40,941 applicants for this fall term and only 4,100 open seats sets the bar high.
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Show Notes
Site News
- New Facebook fans
- Erin Mjelde
- Sergio Lopez
- Cheryl Lipang Lima
- Smari Amman
- Mila Cobian
- Pierre Cabral
Cal Poly News
- Alex Woodhouse, architectural designer
- New Student Stats
- More than 3,500 new freshmen and 550 transfer students. This fall’s new students faced the toughest entry competition in Cal Poly’s history.
- 40,941 freshmen and transfer students applied for roughly 4,100 open undergraduate seats.
- Average GPA of the first-time freshmen heading to campus is 3.84, up from 3.81 last year.
- Average ACT score is 26.8, up from 26.3 from fall 2009.
- The fall 2010 freshmen have an average SAT Reading score of 589, up from 579 last year; Average SAT Math score is 626, up from 623 last year.
- This fall, 26 National Merit and National Hispanic Scholars are enrolled as new students.
- Cal Poly students (pdf)
- Tim and Haley are going to be on campus for the close of WOW week!!!
General News
- Pending Home Sales Rose 5.2% in July, But Still Very Low
- Athletics Select 360 Architecture for Stadium Design, Despite Roadblock by Giants
- Office of the chief architect: A look at Daley’s architectural legacy
- Daley, Boss and Builder, changed the face of Chicago
- Architecture grad applies skills to quilts
- Ashley Pinkard said she was laid off from two architectural firms in Washington after the economy “tanked”.
- Tim’s sister called about a knitting project
Rapid Fire Questions
- Cal Poly or Berkeley? Cal Poly
- Autocad or Revit? Revit
- Parallel bar or T-Square? um… the first one…
- Facebook or LinkedIn? Facebook
- Arch Record, Arch Digest, or Architect? Architect
- Drafting dots or tape? dots
- Yellow trace or white? white
- Ad Markers or Prisma? prisma
- Pen or Pencil? pencil
- Mac or PC? Mac, all the way!
- What’s the Meaning of Life? can’t answer that yet, she needs more life experience
SCORE: 3,310
- How did you get suckered into doing this show?
- Carly took an office tour at Darden Architects, where Haley works, and decided to pursue an education in architecture at Cal Poly. She was awarded the Darden Architects student scholarship in June and recently contacted Haley regarding her first architecture assignment from Cal Poly where she had to interview a professional.
- Why Architecture
- She’s always loved to draw, especially perspectives.
- She loves math
- So she did some research and decided that architecture was the perfect mix of both art and math
- Why Cal Poly
- When she visited she felt like she belonged, she could see herself living there
- The program is top notch too
- The overall atmosphere is great, with a perfect location and college town
- Plus it’s super affordable, which is always a good thing
- What are you most excited about with the coming first year at Cal Poly
- Kind of everything!
- What are you most nervous about with the Architecture program
- Maybe the workload and managing time and stress, and making the transition from High School to college as well as being on her own
- What have you heard about the Cal Poly Architecture program
- She’s heard the professors are great and the program is really hands on but tough
- Learn by doing
- Has she participating in SOAR and is planning on attending WOW week?
- Yes and yes
- SOAR was a great program, broken into colleges, went to seminars, had small break out sessions with current students to plan out classes and schedules for the next few quarters
- She’s excited for WOW week since it’ll be such a fun filled week!!
- What are some of your goals for the coming year
- Have a successful transition and adjust to college life
- Stay on top of school work and balancing studies and life
- Learn more about architecture
- Do you have any long term goals for after graduation…
- Not sure yet… hopeing to get a job out of college and maybe have her own firm someday!
- Someday work at a great firm with an environment that she can love what she does everyday.