Month: September 2010

  • Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-12

    • Check out the latest article from Justin Ribble: State of the Profession… #
    • Congratulations to Steve Shimmin on his new job! He will be starting tomorrow at DLM Architecture in San… #
    • Now recording with Carly Althoff an incoming architecture freshman! Listen in now at #
  • The Studio 37: The Smartest Freshmen Ever

    The Studio 37: The Smartest Freshmen Ever

    0037-The Smartest Freshmen Ever: Cal Poly Basketball, 1924

    Carly Althoff, incoming Cal Poly Architecture freshman (B’Arch ’15), brings some energy to the show.  She shares with us why she chose architecture and Cal Poly.   40,941 applicants for this fall term and only 4,100 open seats sets the bar high.

    Don’t forget to tell your friends about us, join our Facebook Group, leave reviews on iTunes, vote for us on Podcast Alley, and follow us on Twitter!


  • Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-09-05

  • State of the Profession

    The story is becoming all too common these days.  A few more are being let go this month because there’s no work to keep them busy.  Talented and career-minded people.  Friends and colleagues, mothers and fathers.  The economy doesn’t care about the various affiliations behind your name on a business card.  The economy doesn’t care if you have a mortgage to pay or a family of mouths to feed.

    My neck on the proverbial chopping block.

    You see, up until about a month ago, I considered myself one of the lucky ones.  I was working in an office that had yet to be touched by the big, bad economy monster.  I wasn’t blind though, I could see what was happening out there and when the lay-offs started hitting closer to home, it wasn’t all that much of a surprise really.  Every time another friend was let go, I counted my lucky stars that I still had a job to return to.  None of this should be news to any of you.

    Then it finally happened and it was my neck on the proverbial chopping block.  My turn to step up and take one for the team.  What I’ve witnessed in the time since then, has honestly and truly scared me beyond all belief.


  • The Studio 36: Googoo Eyed Neophytes

    The Studio 36: Googoo Eyed Neophytes

    We reach 100 fans on Facebook, talk about finding jobs, AutoCad is back on the Mac, and Tim rambles on about architects working for free.

    Don’t forget to tell your friends about us, join our Facebook Group, leave reviews on iTunes, vote for us on Podcast Alley, and follow us on Twitter!
