Steven Shimmin, B’Arch ’10, and co-founder of Journeyman International tells us how a small idea turned into a non-profit organization, a senior thesis, a construction project, and a life changing event.
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Show Notes
Site News
- New Facebook Fans:
- Alia Talina Barajas
Cal Poly News
- Poly Live Podcast:
- 18 Years Running: Cal Poly NamedBest in the West in U.S. News Rankings
- Cal Poly mentioned at 4:53 as an “Up and Commer”. They say we are in Northern California? Huh? Mentioned business and wine making but not Engineering or Architecture. National news is lame.
General News
- Petition to save Google Wave
- LEED Buildings: Is the ‘Green’ All In Your Head?
- Why The Architecture Profession Must Die
Rapid Fire Questions:
- Cal Poly or Berkeley? Poly
- Autocad or Revit? Revit
- Parallel bar or T-Square? Huh?
- Facebook or LinkedIn? LinkedIn
- Arch Record, Arch Digest, or Architect? Arch. Record
- Drafting dots or tape? Dots
- Yellow trace or white? White
- Ad Markers or Prisma? Ad
- Pen or Pencil? Pencil
- Mac or PC? PC
- What’s the Meaning of Life? Love
SCORE: 2,552
- Tell us about yourself..
- Grew up in Marin County, loves the Bay area it was a great place to grow up
- Just finished up his 5 years at Cal Poly
- He decided to pursue architecture due to his love of math and science but also incorporate design and creativity
- He loves the challenge of architecture, finding the human element of the profession
- What are your plans now after graduating
- Despite the economy, he’s still job hunting in the bay area
- He’s open to any opportunity, even abroad since he went through the Denmark program at Cal Poly
- Continue working with Journeyman International
- Tell us about Journeyman International (JI)
- J.I.’s Mission in Belize
- Project that came out of his 5th year project, a humanitarian based project in a developing world that could be actually built.
- Journeyman International’s mission statement is: “Our vision is to responsibly integrate sustainable design and construction methods with humanitarian projects worldwide. When implemented appropriately, sustainable methods prove financially feasible, socially acceptable, and environmentally responsible. At the point in time when green construction is demonstrated to be beneficial among impoverished cultures, we will see the Green Revolution spreading throughout developing nations.”
- Journeyman International – Business Plan
- The first JI project is the Belize Dental Clinic
- How did this desire come to fruition
- When Steve was in 2nd year he saw a 5th year project for a humanitarian project in Kenya, so he became inspired to start thinking about how to find a humanitarian need and focus his own thesis project in a similar manner
- PDF: Belize Dental Clinic Overview
- Partnering with a friend and fellow construction management student, Daniel Wiens, continued to bring his passion to reality
- He coordinated with Global Outreach Mission (GOM)
- Steve takes us through the design of the Belize Dental Clinic
- The realities of doing a “real life” project as your thesis project
- The future of Journeyman International…
- He plans to get licensed!! But he has to get a job first to start the process!
- The experience of building in Belize
- Lack of building codes
- The difference in climate zones, Belize has a tropical climate which has it’s own set of challenges
- Find Journeyman International on Facebook
- For students thinking about making their design project become a reality: GO FOR IT!!!
- Reach out, network, there are many opportunities