Bianca Pagnucci, LEED AP, B.Arch ’06 talks about her story since graduation, shares with us a little about Alpha Rho Chi and what it’s like to be a Cal Poly grad in the real world.
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- Megan Cassidy (I think we said your name last week, double the recognition!!)
Cal Poly News
- More than 3,800 students are eligible to graduate in two separate ceremonies at Cal Poly’s Spring Commencement on Saturday, June 12.
- New Cal Poly Architecture Department Publications
General News
- LEED Label Challenged
- The report says as structures become tighter and thus more energy-efficient, there is more danger of locking in pollutants such as off-gasing from various kinds of plastics. “No law in the United States requires labeling of chemical ingredients in plastics, and their use is not restricted in LEED-certified buildings. Plastics now comprise nearly 70 percent of the synthetic chemical industry in the U.S,” it states.
- Walnut Creek’s new library: Necessity or luxury?
- (This is a bit of local news, but I think it speaks of the larger issue of the worth of these sorts of civic projects.)
- After voters rejected a city bond measure and the state failed to provide support, city leaders scavenged reserves, savings and revenues and fundraisers sought millions in donations to come up with the $41.5 million. Many in the city faulted the library’s cost and size — four times as big as the one its replacing. Tinfow said the project is under budget and she will reveal by how much at the June 15 council meeting. The City Council slashed $500,000 from the library budget last year and the Walnut Creek Library Foundation and Friends of the Library helped fill the void.
- AIA National Convention is in Miami, June 10-12
- The chief architect of the Sagrada Familia asks for a stop the construction of the AVE.
- Some Q&A with Richard Meier
- Celebrating Frank Lloyd Wright’s Birthday on June 8
- NCARB Fees going way up!!
Rapid Fire Questions:
- Cal Poly or Berkeley? Cal Poly
- Autocad or Revit? Revit
- Parallel bar or T-Square? T-Square
- Facebook or LinkedIn? Facebook
- Arch Record, Arch Digest, or Architect? Record
- Drafting dots or tape? Dots
- Yellow trace or white? White
- Ad Markers or Prisma? Ad
- Pen or Pencil? Pen
- Mac or PC? Mac
- What’s the Meaning of Life? to live it up!!
SCORE: 142-16-6
- What has she been up to since graduating in ’06?
- Doing a little bit of everything…
- Moved up to Oakland right after graduation, got a job right away work at a firm that specialized on mulit-family residential
- She got a little tired of that and got a job at working at a firm that does healthcare and senior living and she’s currently working with the healthcare team
- Outside of work, she’s living the dream!!
- She’s been in involved a bit with AIA East Bay and AIA San Francisco and BAYA
- Currently working towards licensure? progress?
- Working her way through IDP
- Haven’t started her exams
- We have a breif discussion on the recent announcement of the fee increases at NCARB across the board:
- Any observations of economy, how is she seeing the effects?
- Here entire office has been on a 4 day work week, 80% salary since October. However, they were recently told that the whole office is going back to full time.
- Since her firm is a national firm and the offices on the east coast were hit pretty hard, they’ve started to pick up work.
- It seems that things are slowly turning around in the bay area.
- Thoughts on Cal Poly grads out in the industry?
- She works with other Cal Poly grads in her office, they sit together in her office. They definately dominate in her office.
- Both of the firms she has worked for recruit straight from Cal Poly.
- For the most part Cal Poly grads are able to ride their reputation throughout CA.
- Cal Poly grads are well prepared and definatley well liked.
- It does seem that out in the working world, after about 5 years everyone seems to be on the same page.
- Has she stayed connected to Cal Poly after graduation?
- She stays plugged in through friends, classmates, and her involvement with Alpha Rho Chi
- The networking as a result of her involvement with APX has been a great opportunity.
- They are still involved on campus with campus tours, events such as the portfolio and resume review
- Thoughts on how the program is changing/improving and the type of work being produced by students?
- The work was still strong in the portfolio review she attended, but with the economy so bleak it seems that students moral is a bit down with low job prospects.
- What kind of advice can you give to current Cal Poly grads?
- Don’t turn down any invitations to anything. You never know what kind of network you could find yourself in.
- Try to stand out to employers as much as possible
- Is there something you wish you had done or known when you were still at Cal Poly?
- …. nothing she really regrets
- You can get a little caught up in being an architecture student, but it’s important to take advantage of the other resources available on campus such as career services.
- Any parting words:
- Don’t get too discouraged with your job currently if it’s not exactly what you want.
- Don’t be too good for any job you’re asked to do in your office.