Just the two of us today! Haley and Tim talk about the latest economic news, are impressed by Doug Jackson’s studio review, and contemplate if they would be willing to work for ten dollars and hour.
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Show Notes
Site News
- Tim has a new mic! The Zoom H2
- New Facebook fans this week!
- Duane Steele
- Lingh Ha
- Amy Knerr
- Rebecca Groves
- We will be at Chumash next Friday!
Cal Poly News
- Doug Jackson’s Studio Review last weekend (May 14th and 15th) Check out the photos here:
- For upcoming crits see our calendar
- Chumash Architecture Show! (History of the Show)
- http://architectureshow.calpoly.edu/
- Chumash Auditorium, Julian A. McPhee University Union
- Opening Reception: Friday, May 28th, 2010 5:00 pm
- Exhibition: May 29th & 30th 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
- Cal Poly Grads Have Skills to Succeed in a Tough Job Market
General News
- Positive Economic News?
- U.S. architecture billings index up in April–AIA
- http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN1817247020100519?type=marketsNews
- Index at 48.5 last month = declining demand
- Of four U.S. geographic regions, only the Northeast was above 50 in April, while all four construction sectors remained below that mark
- Slump in Demand for U.S. Architects May Be Near End (Update1)
- http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-05-19/slump-in-demand-for-u-s-architects-may-be-near-end-update1-.html
- Overall construction spending in the U.S. increased 0.2 percent in March, fueled by federal stimulus spending on power plants, hospitals and transportation projects, the Commerce Department said May 3. Private construction spending for non- residential projects fell 0.7 percent in March from the previous month and 26 percent from a year earlier.
- U.S. architecture billings index up in April–AIA
- Bilboa inaugurates new architectural landmark
- http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5hS225_ICPR4cdiOTym9fhUGNpPzA
- http://bilbaoenconstruccion.nireblog.com/post/2008/05/11/alhondiga-bilbao-cultura-deporte-relax-entretenimiento
- the “Guggenheim effect”
- It took eight years to build for a cost of 75 million euros (92.5 million dollars).
- Would you work for $10/hour?
- NCARB e-news: Confidentiality Agreement to Change July 1 2010; Authorization to Test: Rule Change January 1, 2011
- http://www.ncarb.org/are/enews/2010/May/index.html
- maybe this is why the ARE forum has been down… just a thought??
- 25 Year old Architect?
- http://www.nytimes.com/2010/05/20/nyregion/20entry.html
- Stephen Martin… is this him? Licenced in ’02 when he was17? Don’t think so.
- http://www.nysed.gov/coms/op001/opsc2a?profcd=03&plicno=028820&namechk=MAR
- Brooklyn Grange Farm receives green light to continue building city’s largest rooftop garden