Jaime (Matheron) Van Sickle, LEED AP, Class of ’06, teaches us a thing or two about educational Architecture. We fly through the news again! And Haley springs a leak!
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Show Notes
Site News
- Lots of new Facebook fans this week!
- Brent Gibbons
- Wendy Cheng
- Justin Ribble
- Juan Lopez
- Erik Castro
- Jeff Miner
- Hazel Cruz
- Apologies for skipping, they been our fans for a while:
- Seth Pare-Mayer
- Kelli Franz
- Jaime ‘Matheron’ Van Sickle
Cal Poly News
- Hearst Lecture Series:
- Chris Haegglund, BAR Architects
- Friday, May 7th, at 4:00pm
- Business Rotunda, Room 03-213
- Chumash Architecture Show! (History of the Show)
- http://architectureshow.calpoly.edu/
- Chumash Auditorium, Julian A. McPhee University Union
- Opening Reception: Friday, May 28th, 2010 5:00 pm
- Exhibition: May 29th & 30th 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
- 5th Year Crits (All located at the Berg Gallery) See our calendar for updates
- http://www.calpolynews.calpoly.edu/news_releases/2010/May/arch_design_win.html
- Anthony Stahl and David Lee
- http://www.calpolynews.calpoly.edu/news_releases/2010/April/groundbreaking.html
General News
- The Word Architect: A Question of Title
- AIA Titles? See Section: Professional Title Distinctions
- Archaeologists unearth 6th century Ikea-style temple
- Spring 2010 CAB Newsletter
- NCARB Direct Connection, Volume 12 Issue 1 (2010)
- The Burning Question: Why do we Need an ARE anyway?
- Also Inside: Guide to Authorization and Examination, IDP 2.0: Phase Three, BEFA Important to Success, Certification Opens Doors, Green Monographs
- http://www.ncarb.org/Publications/Direct-Connection/2010-1.aspx
- Architects Talk: one of Haley’s favorite sites
- How Much Time Do Americans Spend on Elevators? A lot!
Rapid Fire Questions
- Cal Poly or Berkeley? CAL POLY!
- Autocad or Revit? Revit
- Parallel bar or T-Square? Parallel
- Facebook or LinkedIn? Facebook
- Arch Record, Arch Digest or ARCHITECT? Architectural Record
- Drafting dots or tape? Dots
- Yellow trace or white? White
- Ad Markers or Prisma? Prisma
- Pen or Pencil? Pen
- Mac or PC? iPhone and PC
- What is the meaning of life? uuuhhhhh… Architecture!
SCORE: w%252B
- What is Jaime up to?
- Jamie is still working at the same company she started at right out of school: ATI Architects and Engineers in Danville, CA
- She went to a Cal Poly job fair and met a rep from the firm, had a great interview with the CEO of the company, whom she didn’t realize was the CEO until afterwards!!! Visited the firm, met everyone there, felt comfortable and thought they put a lot of effort into training and supporting their staff and she liked that!
- She works on the education side mainly.
- Jamie talks about the process involved with doing work in the education sector:
- DSA, it’s a way of life!
- Plan check and review is a bit different and more lengthy than local jurisdictions
- her firm has worked to develop PC projects. (Pre-Check)
- Currently working towards licensure? progress?
- YES!! she is, she’s working through IDP and learned about CIDP from our podcast (yay for us) so she’s started working through that. But she hasn’t started her exams yet.
- the biggest thing is TIME!!!
- Observations of economy, how is she seeing the effects?
- While Jamie has been at the same firm since graduation, and is still employed, her firm has been affected, however the education side of her firm was a bit safer than the commercial side.
- There is more competition now compared to the past.
- Out of school, there were a lot of jobs in the housing sector but that wasn’t the type of work she wanted to do, which has been a great advantage since many housing firms have been affected.
- Thoughts on Cal Poly grads out in the industry?
- Our well rounded education can make us the ‘go-to’ people where we work for a multitude of tasks.
- Thoughts on how the program is changing/improving?
- She’s not that tuned into what’s been going on currently with the Cal Poly Arch cirriculum
- But integrated internships would be a really positive improvement for current students.
- Is there something you wish you had done or known when you were still at Cal Poly?
- Despite the desire of wanting to push projects and design more, that’s part of the process. Looking back, maybe she’d should have been more risky with some of her designs.
- What kind of advice can you give to current Cal Poly students?
- Just enjoy the time you have
- What goals do you have?
- Get licenced, gain a better understanding of how buildings go together
- More experience with different building types
- How has LEED been accepted in educational design?
- CHPS, (Collaboration for High Performing Schools) is the school version of LEED. More curriculum based approaches in addition to design and building
- http://www.chps.net/dev/Drupal/node
- CHPS can be more affordable and funding may be available
- Jaime has been making jewelry! You can buy if here:
- Also check out Adam Mayberry’s new T-Shirt venture – Mayberry Workshop
Featured Local Artist
- “Beside Me” – Natalie Haskins and the Bob Lawrence Band, Nipom, CA
One response to “The Studio 20: Playing With the DSA”
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by sloArch. sloArch said: Just posted: The Studio 20: Playing With the DSA http://bit.ly/agOg5u […]