The Studio 19: Designing Freedom

Current Cal Poly Architecture students Hazel Cruz, Brent Gibbons, Ryan Blue, Hallie Travis, and Katie Murphy join us to discuss the exciting new Cal Poly AIAS Freedom by Design chapter.

Don’t forget to tell your friends about us, join our Facebook Group, leave reviews on iTunes, vote for us on Podcast Alley, and follow us on Twitter!

Show Notes

Site News

  • 5 new Facebook fans this week!  Who are we missing?
    • Josh Eckle
    • Lynette Aquilina
    • Alison Morita

Cal Poly News

  • Hearst Lecture Series:
    • Chris Haegglund, BAR Architects
    • Friday, May 7th, at 4:00pm
    • Business Rotunda, Room 03-213
  • Chumash Architecture Show! (History of the Show)
    • Chumash Auditorium, Julian A. McPhee University Union
    • Opening Reception: Friday, May 28th, 2010 5:00 pm
    • Exhibition: May 29th & 30th 10:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • 5th Year Crits (All located at the Berg Gallery)  See our calendar for updates
    • Prof. Barry Williams
      • Title: Linkage
      • Date: May 10th
      • Time: 11AM – 5 PM
    • Prof. Doug Jackson
      • Title: Trans-Form
      • Date: May 14-15th
      • Time: opens 5pm

Rapid Fire Questions

  • Cal Poly or Berkeley? CAL POLY!
  • Autocad or Revit? Revit
  • Parallel bar or T-Square? Parallel
  • Facebook or LinkedIn? Facebook
  • Arch Record, Arch Digest or ARCHITECT? Architectural Record, we love Joe!
  • Drafting dots or tape? Dots/tape (tied)
  • Yellow trace or white? Yellow (1 white)
  • Ad Markers or Prisma? Prisma
  • Pen or Pencil? Pen (1 pencil)
  • Mac or PC? Mac/PC/Both

FINAL SCORE: KOOB (book spelled backwards, Tim is crazy)


  • A little bit about everyone:
    • Hazel Cruz: 2nd year, transfer student, Captain for 2010-2011 Freedom by Design group this upcoming year.
    • Brent Gibbons: 2nd year, transfer student from Cuesta, from Gilroy, running for AIAS president
    • Ryan Blue: 2nd year, originally from TX, running for AIAS Treasurer
    • Hallie Travis: 1st year, from San Fran, currently the Freedom by Design fundraiser, running for AIAS Secretary
    • Katie Murphy: 2nd year, from Ventura County, currently Freedom by Design Project Manager
  • What is “Freedom by Design”
  • How did they get involved?
    • Brent learned of the program from AIAS while he was at Cuesta, but due to the high turn over rate it wasn’t feasible to establish at Cuesta.
    • After transferring to Cal Poly, it became more of a reality, along with the support from the local AIA California Central Coast Chapter
  • How do they, as students, get these projects built:
    • Teaming up with design and construction mentors helps makes the projects not only feasible but a reality with it comes to permits, design, labor, etc.
  • Why are they involved in Freedom by Design?
    • Being able to see the process and have a real hands on, “learn by doing” approach
    • They’re using the skills they have to help people in the community and make a huge difference.
    • They’re able to bridge students and community
    • Studio can be really isolated, so getting out into the community and seeing the “real world” application of their skills is a really important opportunity
  • What kind of projects do they do?
    • Small scale, from installing grab rails, or modifying a counter height.
    • Large scale, installing a deck with a ramp, widening a door to allow for wheelchair accessibility.
    • Much of the time and materials are donated, as the projects are entirely student driven from funds, to design to construction.
  • What kinds of fundraising do they do:
    • Contacting local businesses, donating funds events at local markets and restuarants.
  • Goals for licensure?
    • YES! They’re all planning on it… even if they don’t fully understand the process right now. After all, that’s why they’re in the program: to become Architects!!!!!
    • Tim puts Haley on the spot again for not being further along in her ARE process… (all in good fun)
  • Thoughts about the future of Cal Poly and the Architecture Program:
    • Bigger, better and more projects!
    • Hope to see the Freedom by Design Chapter takes off and sustains itself for the long haul, beyond all of them and the time they’re at Cal Poly.
  • PLUGS:


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