Haley is out this week but Elise Drakes fills in as co-host and Seth Pare-Mayer, Kelli Franz, and Alaina McBride join us for an unusual show on Architectural entrepreneurship and how to market yourself.
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Show Notes
Site News
- Tim’s Big News… he passed the California Supplemental Exam!!
- New Facebook “likers”
- Chris Allen
- Chris Foisy
Cal Poly News (no general news this week)
- Hearst Lecture: 04/23/10 Ray Landy Business Rotunda, 4:00pm
- reKINETIC exhibit still ongoing
- http://lib.calpoly.edu/learningcommons/gallery/10spring/
- Thursday, April 15 – Sunday, June 6, 2010
- Spring Job Fair, Thursday (4/22/10)
- Henry DeHahn updated his image gallery http://gallery.me.com/henridehahn
The Show!
- Seth and Kelli decided to go out on their own the day after graduation
- Atelier-KS
- They did their IDP and gained experience with Architects part-time throughout school then they moved to San Francisco and worked for a couple years with firms similar to the type that they wanted to start.
- Were you scared? Tim is!
- Never afraid, it was always a goal, and they had good training in the firms they worked for.
- Seth was laid off at the same time they got a job, that pushed them to go out on their own.
- Seth has finished the IDP, Kelli is almost done and they are starting to take the ARE’s.
- Their goal is to do small residential and light commercial projects.
- How are you getting work?
- Networking. Shmoosing everybody. Farmers market as a networking tool.
- Were listed in Dwell online: http://www.dwell.com/articles/sunset-district-renovation.html
- Also on Daily Candy: http://www.dailycandy.com/san-francisco/article/80802/Local-Mission-Eatery-Opens
- Alaina’s perspective
- How to use Social Networking for marketing:
- How to use a Facebook fan page
- Collaborations – a key marketing trend as a way to offer unique combination services
- Seth and Kelli have been collaborating with Chris Allen: http://www.cwastudios.com/. Chris designs and builds custom casework into their residential projects.
- Building relationships with contractors
- Kelli and Seth: What is it like to work with contractors right out of school?
- Worked with other firms and learned not to have an adversarial relationship with the contractor
- Working towards a common goal
- Involve builder as soon as possible
- Sometimes they have better ideas, it’s a give and take
- Clear communication prevents problems
- Elise’s question to Seth and Kelli: How do you avoid being taken advantage of (i.e. underpaid and overworked) by Owners because you are young/still gaining experience?
- Kelli and Seth feel as though they bring energy to their projects, and typically they establish a pay schedule which allows them flexibility to put in as many long hours as needed, while not feeling underworked/overpaid
- Alaina encourages Seth and Kelli to use their youth as a marketing advantage; older consumer generations are realizing that younger generations are more receptive and skilled at innovative technology
- Whats the greatest challenge of working on your own?
- Realization of how long the process is from the first contact to getting a signed contract
- Where do you splurge and save?
- Splurged on their desk, made by Chris Allen
- Save everywhere else they can
- Many tasks often outsourced by other architects (i.e. photography of projects, editing, website building) are done by Seth and Kelli to lower costs and keep work in-house (Elise’s side note: they are fantastic photographers
- Alaina’s perspective:
- Gorilla Marketing = Time, Energy, Imagination, not a large marketing budget
- The farmer’s market architect is a great example of marketing yourself and gaining contacts to sustain work
- Linked-In! (www.linkedin.com/) Your profile is highly ranked in Google
- Typically an older demographic, more professionals are on Linked-In
- Twitter! (http://www.twitter.com/sloarch), find out what your competitors are doing
- Google Local (http://www.google.com/local/add/); puts you on a map literally; gets more reviews by local residents to increase your search visibility
- Use the “ladder effect” to get noticed
- Contact local media, they love talking to business owners!
- Yelp.com – Ask your clients to add your firm’s link to their profile
- Mission Eatery: http://www.yelp.com/biz/local-mission-eatery-san-francisco
- Some general business advice from Alaina
- Have a good understanding of the cash flow process
- Have six months working capital when you start so you can wait out the start up process. Assume you are working for 6 months without pay
- Get good business advice
- Some free sources
- http://www.score.org – Service Core of Retired Executives contributing their time
- http://www.sba.gov – Small business administration to find a Small Business Development Center http://www.sba.gov/aboutsba/sbaprograms/sbdc/index.html
- Business development classes
- Find local non profit business organizations
- Find good mentors, don’t be afraid to cold call people
- The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
- Some free sources
- For unemployed designers, you have the skills, design and sell something
- Ponoko.com – use digital manufacturing to design something to buy or sell directly on the site
- http://www.etsy.com/ – Make and sell stuff (jewelry, furniture, art)
- Do Seth and Kelli plan on growing or staying a small firm?
- They hope to maintain a steady workflow of projects, working side by side, in close contact with people they enjoy collaborating with
- Seth and Kelli saw a Cal Poly presentation and were inspired by the motto, “Start your career how you want to end your career.”
- The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don’t Work and What to Do About It
– Michael E. Gerber
- Get to know your ideal clientèle then you can learn to attract other people like them
- Baby-boomers are looking to younger professionals to leverage technology which gives younger people a competitive advantage
- Tim predicts Baroque Architecture being the next big thing
- Using your cat as your financial adviser; establish a person at your office (fictional or real) as the “financial person”; you want the face of the company to remain loved by all
- What are our best memories from Cal Poly?