The Studio 13: I’m A RGLAI

Adam Mayberry, Cal Poly B’Arch ’05, joins us as we start our campaign to designate intern architects, RGLAI’s.  Adam talks about the exciting things he is doing while in between jobs.

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Show Notes


Cal Poly



Rapid Fire Questions

  • Cal Poly or Berkeley? – Cal Poly
  • Autocad or Revit? – Revit, he likes it a lot
  • Parallel bar or T-Square? – Parallel bar – neither in reality, he likes the squiggley line
  • Facebook or LinkedIn?  – Facebook
  • Arch Record or Arch Digest? – Is Arch Digest still in print?
  • Drafting dots or tape? – Dots
  • Yellow trace or white? – White
  • Ad Markers or Prisma? – Ad Markers
  • Pen or Pencil? – Pen!! NO MISTAKES, get it right the first time
  • Mac or PC? – MAC

Final Score: RGLAI!

Questions of Normal Speed

  • What’s new, what is he up to?
    • Adam has started something: he’s created an awesome website in collaboration with his brother who is a graphic designer.
    • He graduated in 2005 from Cal Poly and then went through the Woodbury masters program recieving M. Arch RED
    • He was working for an architectural firm and was laid off in early 2008.
    • He is currently headquartered in the San Jose area but goes into San Francisco often for networking or events.
  • We talk about the concept of having a title when you’re in the process of pursuing your license
    • Brief discussion on the title of Architect, what do you call yourself before you have a license?
    • Tim proposes we use the title RGLAI = Ridiculously Good Looking Architecture Intern.
  • Currently working towards licensure? progress?
    • He is currently finishing up his IDP, taken two of the AREs, he’s planning on trying to get through his AREs this year
  • Any observations of the economy, how is he seeing the effects?
    • Personally, as he feels that consultanting is where he’s able to fit in currently in this market
    • He’s not currently working with a formal architectural firm, he’s looking for opportunities
    • Feels like most employers are currently working thin, waiting for funding and/or loans to come through on projects
  • Thoughts on Cal Poly grads out in the industry?
    • Surveys show that Cal Poly really prepares students for employment
    • Cal Poly graduates are percieved as good workers and well recieved by employers
    • In relation to entering a masters program for real estate development, he felt pretty prepared
  • Is there something you wish you had done or known when you were still at Cal Poly?
    • Done more work with hand sketching – we’re getting too dependent on the computer and in the process we lose the ability to draw
    • Gone to the beach more!
  • What kind of advice can you give to current Cal Poly students?
    • Put effort into the process of design, having that base is important
    • Stick it out if you want to become an architect, keep drawing, keep it fresh, enter competitions, expand upon your thesis
  • Advice to others that are currently unemployed
    • Make yourself seen and heard, waiting for a job posting isn’t going to distinguish yourself amongst the other
  • PLUG!!!
    • Along Ryan Brockett, ’04, Adam has created a Cal Poly almuni group in San Fran for networking opportunities
    • April 14th event at Eve Lounge, on Howard st, 6:00
    • email him if you want more info: adam at
    • Complete list of Cal Poly Architecture Regional Alumni Networks