The Studio 8: There’s a Lot Going On in Chat

Haley and Tim talk about the news of the week, we try to get to the bottom of the NCARB and CAB’s disciplinary action against an Architecture candidate, and we talk about the the future of the licensed Architect in the construction industry.

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Show Notes


  • Cal Poly Offering expanded summer term classes
  • New Materials Demonstration Lab Under Construction
    • With an anticipated inauguration in Fall 2010 the Simpson Strong-Tie Materials Demonstration Laboratory will be the largest element in the College’s Construction Innovations Center which opened in Fall 2008. Students in several disciplines will be able to use the 5,000-square-foot lab to design, build and test a variety of structural components. The Materials Demonstration Lab will provide vital support for activities of four adjoining labs in the center, where students will gain hands-on experience with fundamentals of construction management and with residential, commercial and heavy/civil construction.
  • Spring fieldtrip to the SW Desert: Prof. Tom di Santo
    • The Spring break in the Desert SW is an 8-day faculty-led trip to spring 2010 based in the Southwest quadrant of the United States. The trip will be led by Prof. Tom di Santo and will take place on a chartered Green Tortoise bus. The goal is to see a phlethora of natural beauty, modern architecture, museum art and installation art in the landscape, Native American dwellings and cith-scapes, historical cities and National Forest Recreation Areas.
    • For additional information, contact Prof. Tom di Santo or call 805.234.1727
    • Description Pamphlet can be downloaded at: Desert SW (.pdf)
  • Architecture Student Honored for Design of “Deployable Pod”
  • Architecture Student Recieves National Recognition
    • John Vierra won first place in the 2009 Bohemian Flats Boathouse Student Design Competition.
    • The competition was sponsored by the American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS) in conjunction with The Vinyl Institute.
    • Vierra is a senior in Cal Poly’s Architecture Department. He was also the first place winner of the 2008 AIAS Student Competition.
    • Check out the pdf (16MB) of his project!
  • CAB Newsletter (Mar 2009)
    • NANCY HEUNG (Alhambra) On or about September 10, 2008, a Statement of Issues was filed against Nancy Heung, a candidate for licensure, after she appealed the Board’s denial of her Application for California Supplemental Examination (CSE). The denial was based on evidence that Heung, after taking the General Structures division, the Lateral Forces division, and the Construction Documents and Services division of the Architect Registration Examination, used a pseudonym and posted comments on the Internet that either paraphrased or directly revealed the subject of questions on the examinations she had just taken, … The terms and conditions of the stipulation included allowing Heung to take the CSE and upon passing it and paying her license fees, be issued a license, which would be immediately revoked, revocation stayed, and Heung placed on five years’ probation commencing from the date the license was issued. Other terms and conditions included reimbursing the Board $1,602 for its investigative and prosecution costs and successfully completing an ethics course approved by the Board.
    • Is run by NCARB?

Other Stuff:

  • If you have a story about the CAB let us know!
    • What do you do if your supervisor isn’t supportive of the IDP?
  • What’s the future of the Architect License
    • Do you need a license to be an expert?
    • The building profession is changing, it’s not just about the Architect anymore.
    • Is it even relevant to get a license anymore?
    • If I’m not an Architect what do I call myself?
  • Tim’s taking the CSE on March 15th!
  • We want to start a scholarship for CalPoly Architecture students!

Rapid Fire with Haley and Tim