I recently started a new project with a bay area Architect helping him complete a transition from an AutoCad work environment to BIM/Revit work flow. On the many recommendations from another Architect he made the brave leap to a platform that he had zero experience in. Due to the economic downturn he closed his office and moved his practice to his home, took a Revit class and then… To help him in the transition he hired a Revit draftsperson. That draftsman quit and then he hired another. She left, then me.
My task is to train, create Revit templates, standards, and generally get things on track.
This is the first time that I’ve worked with Revit files that I would consider to be done by a “novice,” other than people I’ve trained of course. I don’t know who the other draftspeople are and I’m sure they are good people, but there are a lot of things that I’m seeing that are common pitfalls of people starting out with Revit. Over my next posts I’m going to share some Revit tips that will hopefully save you and those that work with you some time and headaches.