A number of my colleges are cramming for the LEED exam. Now that LEED v3.0 is here I’m sure there are a number of people trying to sneak in under the old LEED v2.0 test. I thought I’d post a few of my favorite LEED study resources on the net. Even if you aren’t studying for the LEED test these sites are a good explanation and summary of the rating system.
- http://www.intheleed.com/ – All around great guide. Explanations of the credits, study and exams helps.
- http://leedvisual.com/ – Who doesn’t love pretty pictures?
- http://www.usgbc.org/ – USGBC for the rating systems and other info
- http://www.intheleed.com/leed-test-in-5-days/ – One persons study schedule
There are a lot of paid resources on the net as well:
- http://www.leedexcel.com/moodle/ – Very inexpensive timed practice tests
- http://green-study.com/
- http://www.usgbccolorado.com/resources/leed-studyguide.html
Good luck!
2 responses to “LEED Study Aids”
I just passed last week with a 186 and I have three friends taking the 2.2 exam in the next two weeks. Two of us took an Everblue course and it was phenomenal. My instructor really knew her stuff and even though they stressed they we should focus only what we'd see on teh exam, the stories she told about real projects helped me to really understand the concepts. I still had to study after the class and the memorization was the hardest part for me. I supplemented the Everblue materials with some PPI flash cards which were useful as well.
My buddy that took the course with me is pretty confident for his exam this Friday. However, my two friends that are self studying are a bit overwhelmed and now they are using my Everblue manual to study from even though they swore that they could self-study from the reference guide for the exam – ha, I knew I didn't waste my money on a class! I'm sure that they'll do fine though. Good luck to everyone taking the exam in the next two weeks!
Thanks Fred for the comment and congrats on passing! I self studied for the exam and I know a number of other people who did as well. Everyone learns differently and I've heard of some really good seminars out there.
For those interested:
Everblue: http://www.everblueenergy.com/
PPI flash cards: http://www.ppi2pass.com/ppi/PPIShop?pr=LDNCFL&c…