Best Revit Blogs on the Web

There are a million Revit Blogs on the internet today.  I follow 28 of them and the flow of information and content being created it amazing.  According to my feedreader’s stats there are about 7.2 posts created everyday!  That’s a lot of content to stay on top of.  


My top 5 Revit Blog Picks:

  1. Buildz
    Zach Kron, an architectural designer and software analyst for Autodesk is the new kid on the block.  His personal site launched at the end of March of this year and he only as posted 12 times to date, but his entries are being talked about all over the Revit community and his tutorials and tips are second to none.  From what Zach has shown us so far, he is a Revit Modeling Master and definitely one to follow in the future.
  2. The Revit Kid!
    The Revit KidWith an average of 1.4 posts/day The Revit Kid consistently turns out great content.  Launched on Feb. 12, ’09 by Jeff from Connecticut, it  has quickly become one of my must read blogs.  Besides Jeffs incite into the Revit world and great tutorials he also sells the Lock Noob Classic Thong, a perfect gift for that special person in your life!
  3. Revit OpEd
    Launched on Friday, Nov. 19 2004 Revit OpEd was one of my first favorite Revit Blogs.  With a not easy to maintain 0.8 posts/day and over 600 posts to his credit Steve has made a substantial contribution to my Revit education and the community.  Steve has a great style to his writing and his article titles often make me smile.  “Dept. of Subtle”, “Dept. of Quirky”, “Dept. of Unfair”, “Dept. of Reviteristics”, and my favorite “Dept. of Moved Cheese” are just a few ways he prefixes his article titles.  I highly recommend Steve’s blog to all Revit enthousiasts.
  4. Revit – The BIM Boom Revitulation
    Featuring his now famous son and Florida Revit 3d licence plate, Gregory Arkin had made over 1100 posts since his site launched in Sept. of 2005.  Gregory is a Revit instructor and his site is a great source for Revit news and everything else.  The only way to find out what is on his site is to visit it.  There is just too much goodness.
  5. The Revit Clinic
    This last spot on my top 5 was a hard decision, but I have decided to grant The Revit Clinic this position.  Authored by Autodesk employees Harlan BrummKathryn Poulos, Ryan Duell, and Jeremy Smith this four person team packs a lot of experience and Revit expertise into one site.  The site features some excellent tutorials and clarifications on some of Revit’s basic and advanced features.

Honorable Mention

Inside the Factory
Interesting blog on the design process for the new Revit UI
Authors: Tom Vollaro, Erik Egbertson and Tsvetan Tsvetanov

do U Revit
Revit News and tips.  Very good list of links to other Revit content and plugin-ins.
Author: Dave Baldacchino

Revit Rants
Great blog by Chris Price.  Not updated that often, once every couple of months, but he has recently posted some good tutorials.
Author: Chris Price

BIM and Beam
Besides a great title, this blog, written by Autodesk employees, is a good site for Revit news.
Authors: Nicolas Mangon, Wai Chu, Tom Culotta 

Revit Fix – Maybe you can get your Revit fix here
Great Revit tips site.  I often find solutions to problems I never knew I had when i visit this site.
Author:  Brian Renehen


Have a favorite Revit Blog that I haven’t mentioned here?  Now is your chance, post a link and why you like the blog in the comments!


One response to “Best Revit Blogs on the Web”

  1. […] Experts don’t Use Locks Dec 222009 Leave aComment In May I published my picks for Best Revit Blogs on the Web.  Coming in at number 2 was The Revit Kid and Jeff’s Lock Noob Classic Thong.  I still try […]